Ontario Region - Report for the 2018 AFS AGM


Report for the 2018 AFS AGM

I would like to thank the Subgroup Presidents for their dedication and support as this has been a very busy year. Getting the contract negotiated and finally signed was the single issue I heard from our members the most. We finally signed on March 29/2018 over six months after reaching a tentative deal. This process takes way too long and we must pressure our Members of Parliament to allow CRA to immediately sign the agreements that they negotiate rather than having to go to Treasury Board and Cabinet. Over the course of the last year I have managed to visit all of the offices in the region and speak at the AGMs and contract ratification townhalls.  

  1. Regional Consultations – Among the many issues dealt with at regional consultation, (both Ad-Hoc and RUMCs) were staffing, performance management issues, issues with Workplace 2.0 and other ergonomic and office set up, lack of opportunity and the shrinking of the smaller offices in the region, and GTA reorganization. We are continuing to bring up concerns about the lack of transparency and effective recourse on both internal and external staffing competitions.
  2. Regional Union Management Working Group – This working group consists of our Toronto and Ontario AFS Reps and management reps from HR and Programs.  It deals with issues in more detail than is possible at Regional UMCs.  Numerous resourcing and work related issues were discussed at this form.
  3. Subgroup Presidents meetings and calls- The subgroup Presidents meeting in 2017 was held in conjunction with the AFS AGM. Ad-Hoc conference calls are also held throughout the year to give both bargaining updates and to hear concerns around the region.

The upcoming year will begin again our negotiation process for a new contract. The contract that we just signed expires December 22/2018. Trying to get more opportunities to our membership in smaller offices remain a priority for myself as is advocating for a staffing system that is fair and offers proper recourse.

Respectfully submitted,

Shawn Gillis

PIPSC AFS Ontario Regional Representative

Phone: 519-567-8983

Email:  sgillis1077@gmail.com