CS Regional Representative's Report - Report for the 2018 AFS AGM

CS Regional Representative's Report

Report for the 2018 AFS AGM

Collective Bargaining

The AFS Negotiation Team began the collective bargaining process with the CRA in January 2015.  Progress has been slow but the AFS Negotiation team has maintained the resolve not to accept a deal unless we receive fair compensation for all of our professionals.  Due to the Negotiation Team’s resolve that on September 23, 2017 a tentative agreement was achieve with monetary increases of 7.5% (compounded to 7.72%) over 4 years for all AFS members.

Information sessions were held with sub-groups from October to December with the tentative agreement ratified by membership on December 20, 2017.  At the time of writing my report we await the necessary approvals from the Treasury Board Secretariat and finally the signing of the Collective Agreement by both parties.

Again, it must be noted that there have been no changes to sick leave as part of this agreement.

Calls with IT Region Presidents

Over the course of 2017 I have hosted several calls with the IT Region Presidents to provide updates from the National Executive on bargaining and other issues and to hear the concerns from the CS members in the regions.  These calls have been very beneficial to provide accurate information to the membership and to escalate concerns to Senior Management.

CS Consultation Structure

In October 2017, a consultation structure was established with the Employer regarding CS issues.  The structure clarifies the Management and Union contacts at the local, regional and national levels as in the past there has been confusion by both parties on whom is to be contacted.  It also establishes formal consultation meetings and the local, regional and national level where meetings will be held semi-annually to discuss issues and concerns through consultation.

As a result of this newly established structure I attended my first Regional Union Management Consultation meeting on December 13th with another meeting tentatively scheduled for June 5, 2018.

In closing I would like to thank my IT Region Presidents and their IT Zone Representatives for their support in the past year. 

Respectfully Submitted

Emmanuel “Manny” Costain

AFS CS Regional Representative