Jewelle Smith-Johnson

I am Jewelle Smith-Johnson, Manager of Operations and Finance (MOF) with NRC-IRAP (Ontario Region), and have served 4 years as a member of the PIPSC RO/RCO Executive. During my tenure, I received membership approval for by-law changes, chaired the FY 21/22 nominations committee and the FY 22/23 Awards and Recognition committee, and developed a guide to streamline communication with members.

I work closely with 84 ITAs and 6 MOFs, ensuring their interests are represented in proceedings. My role allows direct, ongoing dialogue with ITAs in Ontario and provides access to national RO/RCO perspectives through weekly OFMC meetings.

With 25 years of experience in membership-driven organizations, I have developed boards of directors and engaged in government discussions to represent members' views. My involvement with PIPSC has enabled me to connect with members Canada-wide, spearheading improvements in IRAP operations that impact RO/RCO members.

I look forward to continuing the work of the PIPSC RO/RCO Executive and representing its membership.