Saguenay/Lac-St-Jean/Côte-Nord Branch

Saguenay/Lac-St-Jean/Côte-Nord Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes

Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 5:30 p.m. at Café Summum, Chicoutimi

(Translated from French)


In attendance: Kaven Landry (President)

                        Valérie Ringuette-Lapointe (Vice-President)

                        Sébastien Chouinard (Treasurer)

                        Pascal Bourgeois (Secretary)

                        Christine Tremblay (Director)

                        Joshua Mercure (Director)

                        David Claveau (Director)

                        Janic Lavoie (Director)

                        François Gagnon (Director)                    


                       Martin Desgagné (Director)

                       Maxim Tremblay (Director)

Total members/guests present: +/- 60

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m.

  1. Roll Call (members of the Executive)

President Kaven Landry introduced the members of the Executive.

  1. Opening Remarks

The President thanked members for attending in such large numbers, and highlighted the presence of our guests, Mr. Pierre Potvin, Québec Region Director, and Ms. Stéphanie Fréchette, part-time VP at PIPSC.

3. Approval of the Agenda

The approval of the agenda was moved by Valérie Ringuette-Lapointe and seconded by David Claveau.

  1. Review of the Minutes from the April 25, 2023 AGM at Bistrot Bar La Fonderie

Mr. Landry summarized the report.

5. Business Arising from the April 25, 2023 AGM Minutes

No questions.

6. Approval of the April 25, 2023 AGM Minutes

The approval of the minutes was moved by Frédéric Larouche and seconded by Christine Tremblay.

7. President’s Report   

Kaven Landry mentioned that our Branch has approximately 185 members in 9 departments and agencies. Kaven explained that the Executive meets 4 or 5 times a year. At these meetings, various topics are discussed, including negotiations, mobilization and member support. These meetings are also a good opportunity to exchange information.

Given our limited budget, additional funds may be requested from the Region, Better Together, if it is decided, over the coming months, to organize other types of activities.

A number of activities have been initiated by members of the Executive in 2023. The 2023 fall activity has been replaced by targeted Christmas activities (lunch, pizza lunch, bowling, etc.). In the coming months, we may organize other activities to bring group members together (e.g. coffee and muffin, Happy Hour, etc.). The Branch has an annual budget of around $5,000 and a certain financial capacity to contribute to this type of event.

The President pointed out that he sits on several committees, including the Regional Council and the Provincial Council, which enables him to discuss members’ concerns.

In closing, the President thanked the members of the Executive for their involvement and support. Exchanges are essential to the sustainability of the Saguenay/Lac-St-Jean/Côte-Nord Branch. It’s not always easy to mobilize members, but the efforts made are paying off, as evidenced by the number of participants at the 2024 AGM. 

8. Vice-President’s Report

Valérie Ringuette-Lapointe introduced herself and thanked everyone for attending. She said she was motivated by the enthusiasm of the members and looks forward to the coming year with great excitement. She invited people to get involved with the Branch.

9. Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report – Sébastien Chouinard

Sébastien summarized the Branch’s financial position. According to the statement of account as of December 31, 2023, the Branch has $1,481.26 in cashflow. 2023 ended with a small surplus of $158.93. For 2024, the Branch should benefit from revenues totalling $4,235, $2,960 of which will come from the annual allowance and $800 from the small branches allowance. A slight deficit of $15 is anticipated.

10. Approval of the 2023 Annual Financial Report and the 2024 Budget

The approval of the financial report was moved by Stéphane Bonneau and seconded by Hugues Pearson.

11. Québec Region Director, Pierre Potvin’s presentation

Mr. Potvin warmly greeted the members and thanked them for their support. He said he was delighted to be here. Mr. Potvin is a former member of the military and he worked for many years in the Canadian public service. His primary mission is to engage members. Pierre informed members that the finances of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) had deteriorated over the past year due to increases in salaries and operating costs. A motion to increase member contributions ($15 per month) will be debated shortly.  

Pierre mentioned that several topics are discussed at PIPSC, including improving working conditions and telework. Over the next year, Pierre will be working to promote the French language in the Institute’s activities and communications.

Pierre invited people to attend Regional Council meetings. Attendees are not required to be delegates. Pierre asked members to keep an eye on upcoming events on social media.

12. Part-time VP at PIPSC, Stéphanie Fréchette’s presentation

Ms. Fréchette pointed out that she sits on the PIPSC Board of Directors, which brings together over 40 groups and 75,000 members in 6 regions. She works at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Stéphanie thanked everyone for turning out in such large numbers for this AGM, and invited members to come and meet her if they have any questions.

13. Elections

Vice-President (2-year term): Kaven Landry nominated Valérie Ringuette-Lapointe. This was seconded by François Gagnon. No other nominations. Valérie accepted and was acclaimed.

Secretary (2-year term): Valérie nominated Pascal Bourgeois. This was seconded by Sébastien Chouinard. No other nominations. Pascal accepted and was acclaimed.

Three directors’ positions (2-year term)

Kaven nominated Mickael Tremblay. Mr. Tremblay refused.

Valérie Ringuette-Lapointe nominated Catherine Allaire. Catherine accepted.

Bruneau Mailloux nominated Pierre-Luc Beaudry. Pierre-Luc accepted.

Kaven Landry nominated François Gagnon. François accepted.

The directors were acclaimed.

14. Miscellaneous

No topics.

15. Adjournment  

The meeting ended at 7:41 p.m. Moved by François Gagnon and seconded by Sébastien Chouinard.


Pascal Bourgeois
