1. Call to order:

Satya called meeting to order @ 6:30 p.m.

Location: Courtyard Mariott, Upper James

2. Executive Attendance: Satya Chaube (President), Sharon Chiu (Vice President), Danitra S

Maharaj (Secretary), Jasmin (Jazz) Vansantvoort (Treasurer), Ben Chean (M.A.L.), Michael Osei-Wusu (M.A.L.)

Executive Regrets: Crystal Ho (M.A.L.)

3. Adoption of Agenda

Motion to approve. Moved by Sharon Chiu. Seconded by Jeremy Siemens.

4. Approval of previous minutes.

Motion to approve. Moved by Lisa Balsdon. Seconded by Cara Dorland.

5. Business Arising from previous minutes


6. President's Address

Satya read the PIPSC Equality Statement. He thanked and commended the executive members for all the team work and their active involvement in union duties and activities throughout the year. Special mention was made of the ERO Crystal Stewart and her role in LMM and the first ever group Lunch and Learn event at the JCC. Attendance and role at Fiscal Advisory, Branch Meetings and Advisory Council were discussed. Vasanthi Naina was thanked for her years of continuous service and acknowledged for her role as the Health & Safety Representative. She has held this role for at least ten years and will continue to hold this role until her upcoming retirement in the near future. A query was raised about the selection process of a new Health & Safety Representative. The Group Executive clarified that due process was followed, as outlined in the collective agreement. There was also clarification that the location of Joint Health & Safety Committee minutes, not SOR's, was sought in the past. It was reiterated that a new elected Health & Safety Representative will step into the role after required training has been completed and upon the departure of the current representative from the role at the time of their retirement.

Satya stated that the Lunch & Learn was positively received and encouraged members to suggest topics of interest for such future events. He went on to let members know that the executive continues to work with management on various issues that affect membership.

A bargaining update was delivered. The group is at a better starting point for the next round of negotiations after Bill 124 negotiations were concluded. Notice has been served to the hospital and the bargaining Team is awaiting a response.

PIPSC was credited for its ongoing support and access to resources for smaller groups. Members were encouraged to bring issues forward to the executive members so that they may be actioned as necessary.

7. Financial Report

Jazz presented the Annual Financial report in detail.

Motion to approve. Moved by Lisa Balsdon. Seconded by Sandra Whitty.

Jazz presented the budget for the upcoming year, including fund allocation for PIPSC staff events.

Motion to approve. Moved by Jeremy Siemens. Seconded by Jennifer Di Francesco.

8. Elections

Elections Officer, Michael, reviewed and announced nominations and announced results. Results:

Vice President:



Sharon Chiu (acclaimed)

Jeremy Siemens (acclaimed)

Robert Stickles (acclaimed)

9. New business

2024 AGM agenda, minutes and membership attendance to be submitted to PIPSC.

10. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn. Moved by Keith Morgan. Seconded by Janeen Schaeffer.

Satya adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Danitra S Maharaj, Steward/Secretary PIPSC JCC-RT