Media Advisory — PIPSC members will rally for remote work rights outside CRA Headquarters

OTTAWA, June 5 2024 – Over lunch time on Thursday June 6, members of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) will hold a rally for remote work rights outside Canada Revenue Agency Headquarters in Ottawa.

PIPSC Vice-President, Sean O’Reilly, and AFS (Audit, Financial and Scientific - CRA) PIPSC Group President Doug Mason will question the Canada Revenue Agency’s decision, despite being a separate employer, to follow Treasury Board lead.

PIPSC asserts that this is not about just another day a week in the office, it’s about bad workplace management, deteriorating working conditions and lack of respect for the employees who deliver the services that Canadians rely on.  

Date: Thursday, June 6, 2024


Time: Noon to 12:45PM. SPEECHES will start at 12:15 PM


Place: CRA Headquarters, 555 Mackenzie, OTTAWA (ON)



  • Sean O’Reilly, Vice-President, PIPSC
  • Doug Mason, President, AFS (Audit, Financial and Scientific - CRA) Group - PIPSC

PIPSC represents over 75,000 public-sector professionals across the country, most of them employed by the federal government, and over 16,000 AFS members employed at the CRA. Follow us on Facebook, on X (formerly known as Twitter) and on Instagram.

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For further information: Johanne Fillion, 613-883-4900 (cell),