Nino Mangione

Photo Nino Mangione

BASc in Systems Design Engineering

Position Sought – IT Executive Member at Large

Steward since 2012
Founding member of the IT Ottawa West Subgroup, President 6 years, Treasurer 3 years
Vice-President Health Canada National Consultation Committee 9 years
Member National / Regional Organizing Committee (NOC/ROC)

I have been very active in our union since becoming a steward 12 years ago. I have attended every AGM and every Regional Council meeting in that time. I have also been very active in organizing Subgroup functions and getting our member out visibly to support the Bargaining Team’s effort in every round.

I have also been very active as a steward defending the rights of our members. Most recently during the pandemic I have often been called upon directly by PIPSC to represent members not always from my home department or our IT category. A couple of these involved members at odds with the policy on vaccination where I had to put aside my own opinions and defend them to the best of my ability.

My goal for this term of office would be to support IT Group activities by carrying on great initiatives such as Action on Contracting Out. The Contracting Out Action Team (COAT) has been working tirelessly pouring through the billions of dollars of contracting offers and challenging those which could compromise IT jobs. I do not know how many hours a week they put into this on our behalf and I would like to help them out. This is close to my heart because I spend 50% of my working hours hiring and supervising contractors some of which have been the 10+ years.

Bargaining is another area that requires attention as our contract has expired and a new round of bargaining has begun.

We IT members currently have a strong executive however we have lost some who have graduated to the PIPSC executive. They will be missed. As a rookie member, I trust that the guidance of those remaining will direct my enthusiasm to where it will best serve all of you.
These are just examples where I will pour all of my energy into supporting the efforts of the Information Technology Group.

I ask you now for your support, not just for me but also for your union, to take this fight to the next level.

Thank You