Newsletter 4: EWSP Negotiations Progress Update

The PIPSC EWSP Advisory team has moved to a more intensive meeting schedule, with meetings now occurring every three weeks to coincide with, and provide support to the Technical Committee, that is meeting with Treasury Board to develop the proposed new wellness regime.

The Advisory Team is providing input to the Technical Committee on key elements of the plan, and Plan Design, in order to ensure all matters identified in the MOA are addressed by the end of the year. With this deadline quickly closing in, your representatives are concentrating on this advisory role. Once the currently scheduled in-person presentations are complete, an online presentation will be made available for those who have been unable to attend an in-person session.

Although significant progress is being made in crafting the new wellness regime, the specific content can only be shared with your delegates involved in the discussion at this point, as any other bargaining discussion. Current topics under discussion include chronic and episodic illnesses, internal case management and return to work services, definitions, and eligibility among other topics from the MOA."


Vance Coulas, Q. Arb.

Employment Relations Officer – National Capital Region