Phoenix Pay System: Help for Members

On behalf of our members, the Institute continues to express our very serious concerns with the new Phoenix pay system. The government has acknowledged these concerns but insists there are steps in place to resolve them as outlined.

We encourage members who have an issue with their pay to submit all requests by email to the Pay Centre, along with the required Pay Action Request (PAR) Form. If a request is received without this form or mandatory fields are not completed, it will be rejected by the system automatically and returned to the sender.

To request a status of a Phoenix case that was previously submitted, please complete the Phoenix Case Status Request form.

We will continue to monitor this issue closely and to press the employer to resolve these issues quickly.

In the event that your pay issue is not resolved, we encourage you to contact your local Employment Relations Officer (ERO) in the regional office nearest to you to help resolve the issue and access emergency or priority pay where the situation warrants.