A new era for PIPSC elections

After an extensive research and selection process, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new elections software, making it easier than ever before to launch, run and confirm the results of PIPSC elections across the country.

The platform is cloud-based and highly secure. Members can log in and vote from anywhere in the world, with election integrity protected by 2-factor authentication. The platform connects directly to the PIPSC database so that when members log in, they will be able to not only cast their vote, but view all elections they are eligible to vote in both now and in the future, as well as conduct research on election issues. 

Members will also automatically receive an email when an election that they are eligible to vote in is called. They will also receive reminders while voting is open, and notifications when voting is closed and election results are available making it easier than ever before to participate in the elections process. 

We aren’t stopping here. In a future release, members will be able to nominate and research candidates directly on the platform, making PIPSC elections more accessible, more secure and more efficient than ever before.

And while we’re moving forward, we’re not losing sight of the past; members will also be able to easily see past election results to add to their understanding of a vote.

This new elections platform is just the latest example of our work modernizing our processes and using technology to make PIPSC among Canada's most effective and efficient unions. 
