Join a PIPSC equity caucus

PIPSC is currently seeking volunteer members for a one-year term in our six equity caucuses:

  • Black Caucus
  • Indigenous Caucus
  • 2SLGBTQ+ Caucus
  • Workers of Colour Caucus
  • People with Disabilities Caucus
  • Women’s Caucus

These caucuses are vital in advocating for improved access, inclusion and accommodations in these equity-deserving groups. They report to the PIPSC Human Rights and Diversity Committee (HRDC) and are instrumental in combating discrimination and injustice in the union and the workplace.

By joining an equity caucus, you’ll have the opportunity to: 

  • Address specific issues impacting your equity-deserving group
  • Develop strategic plans for your caucus
  • Provide actionable recommendations to the HRDC

Caucus members must attend four one-hour meetings annually and contribute to various campaigns as needed. You are welcome to join any caucus you identify with.

Are you ready to join an equity caucus and make a difference in your workplace?