Member and Steward Training Framework - Managed Career Progression
Member/Steward Training Framework
“Managed Career Progression” Presented by Ontario Region Training Committee to:
Training and Education Committee
Strategic Approach and Gap Analysis
Our Goal was to come up with a basic framework for the Training and Education Committee. One that would build on what we had already, but also clearly indicate where certain types of training/education/information would have the biggest impact, where we could do a better job on training/education/information, and where we have gaps that require training/education/information.
- Identify Target Audience and classify by Knowledge and Experience (‘Member / Steward Milestones’)
- Perform Gap Analysis and apply existing and suggested Training best suited to each ‘Career Milestone’.
- Identify Stakeholders and ask them to provide input to further ‘flesh-out’ the framework.
Member / Steward Milestones
- Categories of ‘Basic’ and ‘Advanced’ Steward are limiting. The current model ignores Advanced Steward and Member Training.
- Milestones better identify distinctive points of ‘career’ progression in order to direct specific training.
- The bullet points in this slide attempt to characterize some of a member’s/steward’s knowledge/activity/interest/expectations at these milestones to help us pinpoint the best method/time to deliver training/engagement.
Managed Union ‘Career’ Progression and Guidance
- Unlikely aware they are PIPSC members
- May or may not have access to other PIPSC members
- May or may not have had a PS Orientation
- May or may not wish to sign up as a member
- Assumed to have very little knowledge of PIPSC
- Have had zero or limited contact with PIPSC staff or our representatives
- May or may not wish to learn more.
- Signed on and interested in gaining information
- What are you doing for me?
- How does PIPSC work?
- How does the C.A. work?
- What does it mean to be AFS/CS/SH/etc?
- Not a Steward
- May be on an executive
- May be a member of an OSH committee or otherwise involved in Workplace Betterment.
- May be curious about Stewardship
- Wants to be enabled / empowered in their workplace
- May feel a need for more guidance
- What is expected of me as a New Steward?
- How can I become a more effective Steward
- Have had some form of ‘Intermediate Training’ (Labour School)
- Likely to have handled grievances
- Fundamental understanding of PIPSC
- Wish to Improve as Steward/Rep
- High Involvement Well Trained – able to be a Mentor
- Subject Matter Expert in one or more areas
- Able to Further PIPSC agenda in workplace and outside
- Interacts with PIPSC Staff
Member Training and Engagement
- Members will have varied levels of interest in PIPSC. The model below allows for a gradual progression from Introduction to Engagement as well as provide (Online) Training and Information to ‘Active’ Non-Stewards including Retired Members.
- From a standpoint of how we deliver this info – the last two boxes - “Interested Members” and “Active Members/Active Retired Members” are somewhat interchangeable – they could both be linked off the same page for instance.
- Online Training For Members should be provided outside of the Web-portal – and not require an account.
Provide: Resources, Information and Opportunities for Self Learning and Advancement
RANDS/ NEW HIRES (Engagement Only)
- One page introduction letter with joining instructions as well as a landing page. (Outside Portal)
- Should espouse the benefits of Membership including:
- Service+ Discounts/Contests
- Ability to vote and/or participate in Institute elections.
- Able to attend Branch, Group and Subgroup Annual General Meetings and other events
NEW MEMBERS (Engagement – Information)
- As a courtesy and for planning purposes, Regional Training Chairs be notified as new members sign up
- A Landing Site (Outside Portal) should be created with “One-Stop” information shopping specifically tailored to new members. (Auto Email )
- Landing site should contain links to get more info as well as links to all e- learning available outside the portal
- Landing Site should include contact info of Regional Training Directors
INTERESTED MEMBERS (Engagement – Information)
- Specific Landing Site with links to topics of interest for new members such as :
- PIPSC and Me presentation
- Theme 7 (Retirement Prep)
- Guide to Understanding your Collective Agreement
- Links to “Pocket Books” etc.
- List of Social Media Sites
- Information on how to become more engaged and an introduction to Stewardship (not a heavy sell)
ACTIVE AND RETIRED MEMBERS (Information – Training)
- Provide Guidance/ Training on :
- How to Set up a Lunch and Learn
- Executive Training – for Sub-Group/Branch Executives
- Training on how to run a Meeting
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Provide Local Steward Contact Info or a sign up to be contacted if you require more information
Steward Training and Mentoring
Our Training plan must have elements of Steward Engagement, Recruitment and Advancement. From one milestone to the next, there needs to be some form of acknowledgement of the Steward’s achievements and guidance for future advancement. We may wish to consider a list of minimum expectations at each of these levels as well.
- Online Training For Members should be provided inside the portal and require the Steward’s credentials for tracking and acknowledgement.
Provide: In-Classroom, Peer and ERO Guided Learning, Networking and Mentorship
- Online Training should be used only to augment real- life training or for specific subjects where there is no greater benefit to ‘real life’ training.
- Online Training should include a test – but with no time limits – the object is to ensure the knowledge is ascertained – not to weed out low performers
- Suggest using an open-source learning platform such as Moodle – most Post Secondary Institutions use this – as it’s free and easily customizable.
- Peer learning and Networking are crucial at this point – must be able to share experiences and commonalities
- Basic Steward Training Is Effective – needs a follow up and better tie-in to Intermediate Training.
Current Labour School and Current Advanced Training by Region should be considered ‘Intermediate Training’
- Issue Based Training begins
- Mentorship program begins.
- Themes 1 (Core Skills), 2 (Human Rights), 4 (Steward Development), 5 (Member Engagement), Stand Alone: Facing Management, Dealing with Member to Member Conflict, Leadership Training – Effective Communication
- Intermediate Consultations
- Expectations must be clear as well as how to advance as a Steward.
- Advanced Offerings Could Include:
- Leadership - Training
- Mentorship Training
- Theme 3 (Performance Management)
- Theme 6 (Negotations)
- Lobbying Training
- Business Case Writing Training
- Advanced Executive Training
- Advanced Consultations Training
- Training and Education Committee (TEC)
- PIPSC Education Section
- EROs and Regional Offices
- Regional Training Committees
- Advisory Council (AC) and Working Group on Consultations (WGC)
- Groups
- Stewards
- Retired Members Guild (RMG)
- Members
The TEC Committee should decide to what degree each of the stakeholders should participate in filling out the framework as well as the most valuable way of acquiring their input.)