Marc Benoit

Bonjour à tous / Hello everyone!

Photo Marc Benoit

I was involved in the mid to late 2000’s as an IT (CS) Stewart both in the NCR and at the National level, and I would like to use all my years’ experience in IT and the GC to assist our IT members once again. There are many challenges ahead in the world of IT, and the biggest challenge will be to ensure that our members are ready for what is to come.

Part of my previous work for the CS group and PIPSC was to create the Ottawa Metro Sub-Group with the help of a great team of IT(CS) stewards, and with the assistance of Luc Carriere then CS Group president; some of you may remember us? During this period, I assisted many PIPSC members with large and small labor relations files and complaints.

I have always worked in the GC at Enterprise Level IT and was involved in multiple technologies from Novel Networks, to Microsoft, to Enterprise apps, to Clouds, and ITSM…who knew?! I have worked closely with many IT people in the GC from all IT fields. I have a good understanding of the assorted technologies used by our community, and some of the stresses the future technologies may bring.

I have always been lucky and worked with all generations of Civil Servants (many keep me young at heart), and I would like to assist everyone to get ready for the future. We require more people to get involved in the IT group and PIPSC, and I think we can use the IT group as a voice to guide every IT professional in the GC with their involvement and careers!

Please vote for me!

Always better together / Toujours meilleurs ensemble!