Membership Benefits
The Union of Choice for Professionals
Here's what you can expect from membership in the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC):
At Your Service
The Institute serves its members with approximately 140 full-time staff in Ottawa's National Office and seven Regional Offices:
(613) 228-6310
(902) 420-1519
(514) 288-3545
(416) 487-1114
(204) 942-1304
(780) 428-1347
(604) 688-8238
National Capital Region
(613) 228-6310
Collective Bargaining
Your Group's bargaining team, assisted by a professional negotiator and a compensation analyst, negotiates your collective agreement with your employer. This agreement contains provisions establishing your terms and conditions of employment, rates of pay, hours of work and the rights and duties of the parties to the agreement. Fairness and respect are the result of effective collective bargaining.
Employment Relations
Experienced employment/labour relations officers interpret collective agreements and employment legislation; provide expertise in such areas as working conditions, human rights and health and safety; assist members in processing complaints and grievances at all levels including adjudication; and represent members before other tribunals affecting employment. Institute representatives actively participate in the National Joint Council, contributing to the development of its directives.
Institute officers represent the interests of the members at all three levels of consultation with the employer (local, regional and national).
Classification experts provide advice on classification matters and represent members with their classification grievances. These experts deliver training pertaining to job evaluation, job content and the classification process.
Help Desk Assistance
Advisors respond to enquiries on a wide variety of issues, including collective agreements, employment benefits and recourse mechanisms.
Pension and Benefits Advice
The Institute's employment/labour relations officers can help you understand issues pertaining to your pension, disability insurance, medical and dental plans and their employment benefits. The Institute also offers the services of a pension and benefits advisor at the National Office.
The Institute offers a comprehensive steward training program. Courses include basic and specialized steward training.
Research Resources
Research officers provide compensation expertise in the bargaining process and present pay briefs before conciliation and arbitration boards; conduct legal research for grievances proceeding to adjudication; conduct research on workplace issues (harassment and employment equity); and prepare public policy briefs.
Legal Counsel
Legal opinions and consultations are provided by legal experts on specific issues arising from government decisions and/or legislation that affect the entire membership, specific Groups or individual members.
Stewards provide advice, initial aid and guidance to members and are an invaluable link between the Institute and members in their work sites. They can assist in finding a reasonable solution to avoid an escalating problem.
Communications & Government Relations
Recognizing the importance of keeping its members well informed, news-breaking items and current information are posted and updated regularly on the Web site at
Communications Magazine informs on issues and bargaining. The Institute communicates its position on issues to the media through press conferences, news releases and interviews.
In order to ensure the views of professional public service employees are reflected in public policy development and the legislative process, the institute monitors legislation, liaises with House of Commons and Senate communities and discusses issues with Members of Parliament and decision makers.
The Institute publishes position papers, briefs, information brochures and pamphlets. A team of experienced translators ensures that all documents and publications are available in both official languages.
Scholarship Program
Scholarships assist with educational expenses and promote the Institute as an organization committed to the advancement of education. To be eligible, applicants must be children or grandchildren of Regular or Retired members.
Administrative Infrastructure
Membership Services maintains records and processes dues, applications, and members' queries.
The Mail, Registry and Print Shop processes and distributes correspondence, newsletters, ballots, questionnaires, and bulletins.
Finance Services administers Group, Sub-Group, Branch and Regional fund allocations and, in some cases, oversees the collection of membership dues.
Informatics Services maintains and supports the Institute's complex computer network, Web site and membership database.
ServicePlus is the Institute's member benefits program. Available to members only, ServicePlus offers preferential rates and savings on lifestyle protection, financial and consumer products and services.
The Institute at a Glance
A Tradition of Service
Founded in 1920, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) represents professional and scientific employees in government at the federal and some provincial and territorial levels.
The Institute is the largest multi-profession union in Canada, representing over 70,000 employees in 41 different knowledge-based professions.
Governing Body
The members, through the Annual General Meeting (AGM), are the supreme governing body of the institute.
Elected Officials
The Board of Directors (BOD) is composed of a President, four Vice-Presidents, nine Directors elected by the members, and one Director elected by the Advisory Council (AC). The AC represents all occupational groups within the Institute.
Group Anatomy
Groups determine their own bargaining strategies, constitution and By-laws within the Institute's structure.
Political Stance
The Institute does not support any political party, but discusses issues affecting its members with politicians.
All Regular Institute members pay the same monthly dues, which are set at the AGM.
How to Get Involved
Members can participate in Institute activities through Group, Sub-Group, Branch and Regional Council, and on various committees at the national and regional levels.
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC)
250 Tremblay Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3J8
Tel: (613) 228-6310 or 1-800-267-0446
Fax: (613) 228-9048 or 1-800-465-7477
Web site: