Your new collective agreement: Parental Leave

PIPSC and Treasury Board have come to an agreement on the implementation of your new Parental Leave allowance gains that were achieved during this round of negotiations.

The new parental allowance provisions are currently applicable to the AV, NR, RE, SH, SP, CNRC (LS, IR, RO-RCO, TR), CRA (AFS), OSFI, CNSC (NUREG), NEB and NFB collective agreements. Information on your group’s negotiation process is available on your group page.

On November 18, 2019, the new extended parental leave allowance and the additional shared weeks available under Employment Insurance and QPIP will be implemented.

This implementation date determines whether the 2014-18 collective agreement language or new 2018-2020 collective agreement language will apply to the employee’s parental allowance. If an employee starts parental leave on or after November 18, 2019 the new language will apply, if the leave starts before November 18, 2019 the old language will apply to the entire allowance. 

We have sought to address many common questions and parental allowance scenarios.

For more information, review the Frequently Asked Questions.

Watch our Parental Leave Webinar outlining key changes to the parental leave policy, eligibility requirements, and strategies for accessing it.

If you still require clarifications contact your steward