Kimberly Hradecky (ENG)
I am honored to be running for re-election on the NR Executive. As your current Delegate Selection Coordinator, I ensure that equity groups are represented at AGMs. I have been a PIPSC member since 2005 with ECCC. Since 2016, I have devoted much of my time as a NR Gatineau Executive and an active steward representing employees.
I vow to continue to bring an equitable, diverse, and inclusive voice to the Executive and represent all in federal workplaces. In addition, I will seek engagement from younger members to ensure they are represented, understand the union’s value, and encourage their participation in activities.
If re-elected, my goals are to:
Bring a voice to equity seeking groups.
Represent the views of members on matters affecting them.
Increase membership engagement with a focus on new members.
Improve communications with members.
Further the professional interests of the members.
Protect the status and standards of our professions.
Ensure that Group interests are represented.
I hope I can count on your vote to make PIPSC a better place for all! Thank you for your support.
Kimberly Hradecky, M.Eng, P.Eng