Karim Chaggani

Photo Karim Chaggani

Good day

I am seeking your continued support on serving on the IT National Executive as the BC representative.

Some of the things I've been involved in:
- Discussions and calls/meetings and engagement with members in the Vancouver, Surrey and Victoria/Comox areas in person and online. This includes lunch and learn meetings and attending local AGM's
- Events - such as movie events hosted by my Subgroup, or joint events with others - like the SP group in Vancouver, we have one coming up in April!
-meeting regularly with the IT Executive to discuss IT group issues, budget and more
- SSC Consultation Team - bringing up issues our SSC members have and discuss things coming our way and to best approach and provide our members feedback , before something is an issue.

I've found the most effective 'union involvement' is one that is supported in the workplace and I have that support in my current role, as well as my new role in SSC that I'm moving to in April 😊 Solutions can often be found together and that is always the best when possible.

I’m always just a call or email or message away!

Karim Chaggani