Hugo Buttau

As your NR Regional Representative for Prairie / NWT Region, I ask your continued support for re-election.
I am on the NR National Executive, where I lead your Bargaining Team currently negotiating our contract, and on the PIPSC Strategic Bargaining Committee. I also Chair our Bylaws Committee and have served terms on the National PRQC Committee. I am President of the Edmonton NR Sub-Group, and Executive on the Edmonton Branch, and have served on the Regional Executive.

As a professional Engineer, I have worked for Transport Canada, PWGSC, INAC, PSPC, serving Departments including DND, CSC, Environment Canada.

I work with professional engineers, architects, and land survey colleagues to provide engagement with Members. We need to maintain our professional credibility with our employer, to maintain the benefits that we have achieved, and to successfully negotiate improvements.

It is critical to stay knowledgeable on Local, Regional, and National issues that affect us, so I trust your continued vote of confidence will support my efforts to serve our NR community. By re-electing me as your NR Regional rep. I will keep you informed and involved with our Group.
We are better together.

Thank you.