Harold Marcotte

With over 7 years as a PIPSC Steward including 2 years as Chief Steward and the last 3 years as NUREG Group President Harold has lead the NUREG Group through the last round of contract negotiations, many employee relations issues including harassment, discrimination, plagiarism, job classification, individual and group grievances and has courageously spoke out against the unfair treatment of our members.

“We have made great strides in collective bargaining, member representation and solving many troubling issues. The tide is turning and by improving consultation with management we’ve changed the conversation on the CNSC’s COVID response, safety protocols, the eventual return to workplace, reimagining the workplace and most recently gaining traction on career development and training. We’ve raised our NUREG profile and gained respect for our union and members, but there remains much work to be done.”

On behalf of our members, Harold has successfully served as the Consultation President, member of the PIPSC Separate Employer’s Group, Strategic Bargaining Committee and PIPSC Advisory Council.
Harold would greatly appreciate your continued support with your vote and if possible, your time and talent to join our team as a member of our Executive, or as a Steward or volunteer.