UOITP Bargaining Update #3 - Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017

Off to Conciliation!

Your Bargaining Team was supposed to meet with the employer for four days between June 22 and June 27. In the middle of negotiations, the University filed for conciliation even though progress was being made at the bargaining table.

What is Conciliation?

Conciliation is a process by which a trade union or an employer can ask the Ontario Ministry of Labour for help in resolving their differences so that they can reach a collective agreement. Either party may apply to the ministry. If parties are in negotiations, they must use the government's conciliation services before they can get into a position to engage in a strike or lock-out.


What the employer wants

  • Elimination of Summer Hours
  • Elimination of Retirement Allowance
  • Freedom to Outsource and Contract-Out member’s jobs
  • Change the Benefits

What you want

  • Job Security
  • Reasonable Economic Increase
  • Reduce the number of years to reach the max of the pay line
  • Telework
  • Status Quo on Benefits

We want to hear from you! Please send your comments to the list.

Your UOITP team