SH Resolution - 10.02 R.

SH Group 2019 AGM Proposal:

Whereas the composition of the SH group has evolved and changed in the last 5 years and the group’s Bargaining Team should reflect those changes;

Whereas it is important to have input and feedback from all occupations as to best reflect group needs during bargaining;

Be it resolved that Resolution R. be amended to the following:

R6.9.6.7 The Bargaining Committee shall normally be composed of eight (8) ten (10) members.


Be it resolved that Resolution R6.9.6.8 be amended to the following:

R6.9.6.8 The Bargaining Committee shall normally include five (5) nurses four (4) nurses, one (1) NU-EMA and one (1) psychologist.  The last two (2) remaining four (4) positions shall be filled by representatives of the smaller groups (Dentistry, Nutrition and Dietetics, Medicine, Occupational and Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Social Work, and Veterinary Medicine). Once the bargaining team members have been selected, the SH executive and the bargaining team shall normally appoint a representative from each of the smaller groups not represented on the team. Those representatives will work collaboratively with the Bargaining Team to prepare and/or present issues specific to their professions.