Colleen Leinenweber
My name is Colleen Leinenweber and I am a RPN at the Regional Psychiatric Center in Saskatoon and I have been working as a nurse for CSC for 34 years. I have been an active Steward since 2008. I have been a member of the National Consultation team for CSC for 5 years, a past and current member of the SH Executive, a member at large for our branch and currently the president of our subgroup. I currently am the PIPSC representative on the RLMC for the Prairies and an alternate on the Regional OSH Committee. I also am the PIPSC rep for our EAP in the workplace and a member of the RPC OSH Committee. I enjoy being a steward and have assisted several members with grievance and work place issues over the past 11 years. The Prairies is very diverse and I receive e-mails from numerous members outside of the workplace looking for information and assistance with a variety of issues. I have enjoyed my position on the SH Executive Committee keeping members informed of the issues facing PIPSC and hope to have your nomination to continue in that position.