RMG Executive Meeting 


March 21, 2024 



PIPSC HQ Office 



Sylvia Boucher - president

Kim Skanes - vice president

Brian Barrett - treasurer

Don Burns - secretary

Richard Rice

Yvon Brodeur 

Stewart Wong

Michael Forbes



1. Welcome and opening statement

 The president greeted everyone and did a round table for members to tell a bit about themselves so the executive gets to know each other better.


2. Review and approval of the agenda

 Proposed agenda approved


3. Approval of the last meeting minutes

 Minutes approved as submitted.


4. Follow-up on the last meeting’s action items

Outstanding iPads for executive, Stewart purchased one, Sylvia not yet.

Google Drive for the executive is up and running.

Prize draw for members membership dues is ongoing.


5. Regional Executive Officers’ reports


 Quebec - The Quebec chapter is preparing for the 2024 AGM proposed for December. They have invited the guild president and will have a guest speaker.

Chapter to specify if they wish to have minutes published.

Prairie Northwest Territories - a written report is appendant. Stewart wants to strengthen chapters working with active members attend the regional council, May 31.

Atlantic - written report his appendant. Nova Scotia chapter AGM set for May 16, this is beyond the 15 months time frame specified by bylaws, the executive approve this deviation. Michael expects to be invited to the council.

BC Yukon - Vancouver chapter AGM will be held in April and the guild president is invited. The Fraser Valley chapter is not properly defined in Pipsc database, this will need to be corrected. Don will attend the regional council as a delegate.

Ontario - Brian will contact GTA chapter to determine the date for their AGM.

NCR - The NCR chapter executive meet virtually every month. They have a spring general meeting scheduled and expect approximately 50 members to attend. They will have a presentation on Wills and estate planning. Their AGM will be in the fall but a date has not been set yet.

Kim is reviewing the value of the RMG to PIPSC, this issue was brought up at our last AGM in October 2023.

Atlantic -  A written report was submitted. Michael is working with the Nova Scotia chapter to resolve an internal dispute.  Michael will attend  the Atlantic Regional Council in May. 

Michael brought forth a motion to permit the Nova Scotia chapter to exceed the 15-month maximum time frame between AGM meetings. AGM to be held May 16.  The  Bylaws permit the RMG executive to allow for an extension. The motion was approved by the RMG executive.


6. Update on financials

Brian provided an update on our bank account balance. The Moncton chapter had its account frozen previously, Brian directed Finance to unfreeze the account so the balance of their annual allocation could be provided.

A motion was made to provide annual allocations to the chapter’s, however, the motion was withdrawn as it was deemed to not be required as this is covered in the bylaws and regulations.


7. Old Business

 Sylvia will send an email to all chapter presidents providing a tentative meeting schedule. The intent is to meet with chapter presidents on Zoom two to four times a year. 

The question was raised if the guild president should have a seat at the Advisory Council. This will be brought to the Advisory Council chair as the Guild should be treated as equivalent to a group.

Stewart does contact Chapter presidents prior to our executive meetings  to check if there are issues that need to be brought forward to the national executive. 

Yvon  sent a letter to retirees 6 or 7 months ago, the translated document was poorly done which is a concern.  The chapter has requested a seat at the Regional Council, they will have a table at the next Stewart Council.

Sylvia stated we should have key messages to share and should have a presence at Regional councils. 

She raised the question should we have a membership portfolio on the executive. There’s a gap year to year in our membership numbers, we need to know who has renewed their membership and who has not.  

Can we have our dues deducted from our pensions as is done with other unions, this is a question for Sean.

Richard volunteered to have a kiosk at the AGM, he solicited ideas for promotional items.  Numerous ideas were suggested.

Sean joined our meeting at 2 PM.

We will request a planning session for our next executive meeting in June. Sean will bring this to the executive committee


8. New Business

We should discuss proposed bylaw changes at our next executive meeting. Don to send proposed bylaws to members of the executive.

9. Roundtable

 The invoice for dues is sent in October, there should be a reminder closer to the due date.

We will have an executive dinner on June 12th.

10. Next meeting

Next meeting will be June 12/13


Meeting adjourned at 4:40