The Retired Members Guild (RMG) is holding its 2024 Annual General Meeting. All members of the Guild are cordially invited.

When: November 7, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET. Registration opens at 12:45 PM.

Where: Sheraton Toronto Centre, 123 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5H 2M9

Please note that spaces are limited. You can RSVP by clicking on this link

The deadline to RSVP for this event is October 24. If you have already registered for the AGM via your PIPSC AGM registration, please do not register twice.

Agenda items will include:

  • adoption of minutes from the 2023 Annual General Meeting
  • report from the President 
  • annual Financial Report
  • proposed amendments to the Guild’s Constitution and By-Laws
  • guest speaker (Sean O’Reilly)
  • discussion of initiatives being undertaken by the Guild

The 2023 minutes and proposed by-law changes can be found here.

After the meeting, you will have the opportunity to chat with the members of the Guild Executive.

NOTE: Any amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect upon ratification at the Guild AGM and approval by PIPSC.

By-Law 9.1 stipulates that the Annual General Meeting of the Guild “shall be open to all members of the Guild who wish to attend at their own expense.” Thus, the RMG does not reimburse expenses incurred by members for attending this meeting.

If you have any questions about registration, please contact Pawan Kashyap at

We look forward to seeing you there.