NATIONAL DEFENCE, NCR NR Subgroup DND NCR NR Subgroup - Executive Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Royal Oak Pub at 180 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario

Present: Sherry Oake, Sajjad Khan, John Eng


1. Welcome and introduction:

At 11:30, the meeting was called to order by the President Sherry Oake and she welcomed all members in attendance.

2. Review and adoption of Agenda:

The Agenda for the meeting was reviewed and accepted.

3. Review of the last minutes of meeting:

The minutes from 20 April 2017 were reviewed and accepted without change. All executive members signed the minutes

4. Transfer of Signing Authorities.

The DND NCR Subgroup Executive updated by signing “Bank Signature Cards”. Secretarial Note: Sherry delivered the document to PIPSC HQ later in the afternoon.

5. Subgroup Way Ahead (i.e. Activities & Events):

A. Update on NR Group’s Collective Agreement and Ratification Process.

As the NR Bargaining Team has recommended a collective agreement, the process for this was discussed. Sherry noted that NRs have not ratified an agreement in at least 10 years, as previous contracts were imposed by binding arbitration. Therefore the Exec should be aware of financial and organizational needs for briefing members about the contract, as well as the conduct of the ratification vote. Other Sub-Group bargaining units have a pizza day for their members during the ratification vote. It was agreed to set $500 aside for the briefing sessions, and another $500 for the vote day. NR Subgroup Executive identified the need to coordinate briefings across the NCR for all NRs with PIPSC HQ/National NR Group.

B. Lunch & Learns (L&L) Sessions.

It was decided that each executive member will submit a draft proposal for a Lunch & Learn Session they would like to conduct in their work area/bldg. They should solicit topics from their colleagues and be the OPI to conduct/co-ordinate admin support. Executive Branch members are encouraged to organize more “Lunch & Learns”, this is an effective method to engage with the PIPSC membership. There seems to be a “grass roots” demand for these types of lectures, which allow members to network with PIPSC Reps and fellow colleagues.

John noted that the process is to send a Request Form for Lunch & Learn to Gordon Bulmer (current Chair of the Training Committee at PIPSC). Send an info copy to fellow Executive members of the NCR Subgroup with a “proposed budget” if required. This budget request should be approved prior to Lunch & Learn event. However, if due to an emergency or unforeseen reason, the NCR Subgroup Executive could approve a request via email.

C. Sub-Group Social Event

A proposal was tabled to hold a recruitment/social event to both recruit new NR Subgroup Executive members and Stewards in our buildings. John volunteered to organize Bowling/Pizza Event which would be similar to a successful event organized last year by PIPSC HQ. $500 was allocated for this meet and greet event. It was agreed that this SG should attempt to recruit 3 to 6 new Stewards better serve our collective membership.

D. Parliamentary Procedure Guide

Sherry requested funding to purchase a sufficient number of copies of the “Parliamentary Procedure Handbook” for all executive members. As this is the reference book for PIPSC meetings, members should be familiar with the meeting rules of order to better contribute at more formal AGMs. John offered to coordinate procurement of sufficient copies of the “Parliamentary Procedure Handbook” used by PIPSC. $500 was set aside for this.

John noted that there is a PIPSC Executive Member Training available on request. It was agreed that this would be good for the full executive in the future.

E. 2017 Calendar of Events.

Sajjad volunteered to prepare a draft 2017 Calendar of Events for DND NCR NR Subgroup. John will provide the Fall 17 NCR dates for Steward training. The date for the SG AGM was discussed and agreed to be held in November or December, but to avoid the holiday period.

E. 2017 NR AGM & NR Subgroup President’s Meeting.

The 2017 NR AGM & NR Subgroup President’s Meeting is in early June 2017. Sherry is soliciting points of concern that ought to be brought to that forum.

6. Financial Status:

John as Treasurer, to amend Financial Report (see attachment) for next executive meeting.

7. New Business & Round Table.
There was no new business.

8. Next Meeting and Adjournment. The next meeting was scheduled for one week later in order to not lose momentum. This will be 31 May 17, at 15:00, same place. The meeting was adjourned at 13:45 hrs.

John Eng

Sherry Oake
President, DND NCR NR Subgroup