DRAFT 2018 PIPSC NavCanada West Subgroup AGM Minutes

Date: 4:30 pm - Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Location: KS on the Keys Restaurant, 1029 Dazé St, Ottawa, ON K1V 2G3

Attendance: ____ includes 1 guest (M. Simard, Nav Canada group President)

D. Marleau, the sub-group president, called the AGM called to order at 5:45 pm and introduced the members of the subgroup executive as well as M. Simard (president of the main group) who acted as the chairman of the meeting.

Agenda Item 1 – Approval of Agenda

Motion to accept the agenda as presented. Moved by: T. Nguyen. Seconded by: E. Francis

Result: Carried.

Agenda Item 2 - Roll Call

The roll was called by the secretary. Present were: D. Marleau (president), T. Nguyen (vice president) , J. Morton (secretary), J. Liu (treasurer) and Z. Zhang (member at large). Absent: None

Agenda Item 3 – Adoption of Minutes from last AGM

Copies of the minutes for the previous AGM (November 24, 2017) were provided to all attendees. No issues were raised. Motion: "To accept the minutes of the 2017 AGM, as presented", Moved by VAN____, Seconded by: _______. Result: Carried

Agenda Item 4 – Amendments to the sub-group by-laws

No amendments were proposed.

Agenda Item 5 - Presidents Report

The president discussed our relationship with PIPSC and provided an overview of the year's events. The Lunch & Learn sessions were at capacity and some offsite meetings were held with members in order to deal with specific issues affecting those members. Most stewards in the bargaining group participated in a joint union/management meeting at NCTI about barriers to improving employee engagement. There has also been an increase in the number of stewards within subgroup. The Ottawa Flying Club membership was renewed (allows us to use their classroom at no cost). Questions about these (and other) subjects from the floor were answered by the president.

Agenda Item 6 - Annual Financial Report

Copies were provided to all attendees. The treasurer noted that the report contained some errors, provided corrections and answered questions, Treasurer to bring modifed (corrected) version for inspection by membership at next AGM. Motion: “To accept the financial report as modified”. modifed Moved by: J. Stalica Seconded: Jonathan_____. Vote result: Carried.

Agenda Item 7 – Guest Speakers

J. Stalica, representing the Ottawa South Branch, discussed the subgroup relationship to the branch (we are part of it) and that our members can participate in their activities and seminars. Also covered was Bill C-27 and how it will affect our pensions.

M. Simard covered the main group's events since the 2017 subgroup AGM. Topics discussed included the group grievance on flex-work arrangements, the NCTI union/management meeting, the impact of cannabis legalization on safety related positions, that a new classification system is being considered and that Bill C63 becomes effective April 2019. (The bill removes banked time restrictions and adds right to refuse overtime??)  Questions raised on these and other contract clauses were answered. Also acknowledged was that Z. Zhang, member at large, received the Nav Canada steward of the year award.

Agenda Item 8 – Subgroup Executive Elections

Elections were held for the Vice President and Secretary.

At the close of the advance notice period there was 1 nomination for Vice President (M. Diec) and none for Secretary. Both elections were opened for nominations from the floor.

Vice President: No nominations from the floor.; M.Diec acclaimed.

Secretary: A. Hicks nominated, no other nominations received. A. Hicks acclaimed.

The executive thanked the executive committee for their work on the election.

Agenda Item 9 – New Business

No new business.

Agenda Item 10 - Adjournment

The executive thanked M. Simard for presiding over the meeting.

Motion to adjourn meeting moved by Van___, seconded: T. Nguyen. Meeting adjourned at 6:59 pm.