Executive Meeting Minutes

Monday 24th June, 2024

  1. Call to order:

Satya called meeting to order

Location: JCC 3-88           Date:   24 JUN 2024               Time: 6:00 p.m.

  1. Attendance: Satya Chaube, Sharon Chiu, Danitra S Maharaj, Jeremy Siemens, Ben Chean, Michael Osei-Wusu, Robert Stickles


  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Motion to approve.  Moved by Sharon.  Seconded by Ben.


  1. Business Arising from previous minutes
  1. F/U meeting occurred with management re: email communication to staff about CEL


  1. 2024 AGM – May 29th, 2024.  2 new executive members elected.


  1. President’s Address

Jeremy and Robert were welcomed as Treasurer and Member at Large to the executive team.  The dedication and support of outgoing executive members, Jazz and Crystal, were acknowledged and applauded.  Special thanks was given to Ben for his hard work and organization skills in taking the lead for the AGM event.  Staff were encouraged to bring issues forward to management to encourage dialogue.


  1. Financial Report

Motion to approve.  Moved by Sharon.  Seconded by Robert.

  1. Annual allowance received
  2. Budget balance


  1. Committee Reports
    1. Labour Management

-    Addition of ad hoc operations meetings

-    Names of all executive members added to LMM Terms of Reference so that alternates can attend in absence of committee members

-    Offline session with Satya, Danitra, Crystal Stewart and management to establish LMM parameters


    1. Bargaining

-    Notice was served to hospital.  Awaiting hospital response with tentative dates.


    1. Grievances – 3 active


    1. Health & Safety
      • Schedule of inspections and meetings explained.  They are typically held on the third Monday of the month and last for a full day. There are some added full inspection days throughout the year.


  1. Summary of Unfinished business & actions


  1. New business
    1. CT SIM Rotation Schedule
    2. Staff training


  1. Adjournment: Satya adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Date of next meeting –week of Aug 5, 2024.