When:             Thursday, May 5, 2022

Time:               6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

Location:         Casa Grecque, 8245 boulevard Taschereau in Brossard


Are present / Position title

Evangelia Costamis / President                      Shemin Mawji / Treasurer

Isabelle Gagné / Active member                     Claudine Morin / Active member

Lyne Larocque / guest / Quebec Regional Representative, Member of the CP national group executive and member of the bargaining team

Are Present :

Alexandre Gentile       Julie Mercier               Isabelle Doray

Yanick Poulin                         Samuel Dagenais        Rita De Viti

Pascale Daigneault      Martin Lebrun             Francois Goulet


1. Opening of the AGM – 7:00 p.m.

The President addresses the members and opens the meeting.

2. Adoption of the agenda

Shemin Mawji with the support of Yanick Poulin proposes the adoption of the agenda. (Motion passed unanimously)

3. Approval of the minutes of the 2019 AGM

There is no question on the 2019 minutes. Claudine Morin, seconded by Yanick Poulin moves the adoption of the minutes of the 2019 AGM. (Motion carried unanimously)

4. Presentation of the executive of the CP Montreal region sub-group and our guest

The President introduced the current members of the executive as well as the guest to the members present.

Evangelia Costamis / President          Shemin Mawji / Treasurer

Isabelle Gagné / Active member        Claudine Morin / Active member

Lyne Larocque / guest / Quebec Regional Representative, Member of the CP national group executive and member of the bargaining team

5. President's Report (Evangelia Costamis)

The President explains that due to the situation with COVID, there has been no union activity for the past 2 years. The Executive had a meeting in December 2021, during this meeting, it was decided to donate $1,000.00 to a food bank, Moisson Montreal.

Yanick Poulin asked the President the following question whether there had been any discussions on the future of the sub-groups with the future of telework. The President indicated that several discussions on this subject are taking place at a higher level and that would probably be discussed in the future with the Executive of the subgroups.

6. Report of the Treasurer (Shemin Mawji)

The Treasurer presented the financial report.

7. Presentation and adoption of the financial statement of the sub-group for 2019, 2020 and 2021.

The treasurer presented the financial report of the sub-group for 2019, 2020 and 2021. The only expense in 2021 was the donation made to Moisson Montreal. Shemin Mawji, seconded by Yanick Poulin, proposes the adoption of the financial statement of the sub-group for 2019, 2020 and 2021. (Motion adopted unanimously)

8. Approval of the budget for 2022.

Shemin Mawji, seconded by Isabelle Gagné, proposes the approval of the budget for 2022. (Motion adopted unanimously)

9. Appointment of Election Chair

Since our last AGM was held in June 2019 due to COVID, all executive positions are open for election, our guest Lyne Larocque is taking care of chairing the elections of the Sub-Executive members. CP group, Montreal region and explains the rules and term of office.

10. Elections of members of the Executive of the CP sub-group, Montreal region

  • President (2-year term): François Goulet propose Yanick Poulin as President. Yanick asks if other candidates are interested but no other person offers. Yanick accepts the position with pleasure.
  • Vice-President (1-year term): Julie Mercier proposes herself as Vice-President
  • Secretary (1 year term): Isabelle Gagné proposes herself as Secretary
  • Treasurer (2-year mandate): Alexandre Gentile proposes himself as Treasurer
  • Active members for maximum of 7 members (2-year mandate): François Goulet and Claudine Morin propose themselves as active members.
  • Active members for maximum of 7 members (1-year mandate): Evangelia Costamis ans Shemin Mawji propose themselves as active members.

There remain 3 vacancies of active members for terms of one year. These positions may be filled during the year if candidates apply.

Since we are entitled to eleven (11) members on the Executive, all are elected by acclamation.

11. Question and comment period if applicable


12. New Business/Varia


13. Speech by our guest, Lyne Larocque

Lyne Larocque asked all members present to name themselves and indicate their CO or PG group as well as their ministry.

Lyne discussed the ongoing negotiations for the implementation of the new collective agreement which currently expires on June 21, 2022. The negotiating team is made up of 8 members, 4 at the CO level and 4 at the PG level. She asks the members to think about which road we are prepared to choose in a period of negotiation (arbitration or strike). She also asks the new Executive to look into RAND members who are not receiving invitations to union activities at this time. These members should be met to be informed and change to their situation since they pay union dues.

14. Closing remarks and closing of the meeting – 8:15 p.m.

Shemin Mawji with the support of Claudine Morin proposes the adjournment of the meeting. (Motion passed unanimously)

15. Supper