CFIA S&A 2019 - Amendments proposed by Member

APPENDIX B: By a Member

  1. Terms of Office of Executive

6.3 Term of Office: The term of office shall be three (3) two (2) years.


R6.3.1 Starting in 2018, elections for the Group Executive will be held for the two (2) Members-at-Large from the National Capital Region. In 2019, elections for the Group Executive will be held for the three (3) Members-at-Large from outside the National Capital Region and for the one (1) Atlantic Region, the one (1) Ontario Region and the one (1) National Capital Region representatives. In 2020, elections for the Group Executive will be held for the other three (3) regional representatives from Prairie/Northwest Territories, Quebec and British-Columbia/Yukon. In 2021, the cycle repeats itself for the years to come.

R6.3.1  Starting in 2019, elections for all the positions on the Executive will be held.  The Members at Large will be elected for one year terms and the Regional Representatives will be elected for two year terms.  Starting in 2020, six Members at Large for two year terms and in 2021 five Regional Representatives will elected for two year terms.  

  1. Meetings of the Executive

6.4 Meetings: The Group Executive shall meet in a face to face meeting as frequently as is required, but at least twice a four times per year.

C.  Roles and Responsibilities of the Treasurer

6.8.4 Treasurer  The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Group as required by Institute policy, prepare a financial report for each meeting of the Group Executive and each General Meeting of the Group, submit a detailed financial statement to the Institute as required, and prepare the request for the annual allowance of the Group. Copies of the financial report shall be available to all Group members.

6.8.4 Treasurer  The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Group as required by Institute policy, prepare a financial report for each meeting of the Group Executive that consists of a balance sheet, a year-to-date statement of income and expenses and the variance from the current budget.

The Treasurer shall present a financial report at the Annual General Meeting of the Group that consists of the proposed budget for the next year, a statement of income and expenses for the previous year, a balance sheet, and a comparison of the income and expenses for the previous year to the budget for that year. 

The Treasurer shall submit a detailed financial statement  that consists of a statement of income and expenses for the fiscal year, a balance sheet as of the end of the fiscal year, and the budget approved by the Annual General Meeting, to the Institute as required, and prepare the request for the annual allowance of the Group. Copies of all the financial reports shall be available to all Group members.

8.1.6 Filing of Documents Each year following the Annual General Meeting, the Group Executive shall submit a copy of the draft AGM minutes, the annual financial report, including the budget approved at the Annual General Meeting, and the elections report to the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Institute prior to the end of the calendar year.

D.  Roles and Responsibilities of Members at Large

6.8.5 Members-at-Large Members-at-Large shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Executive or that serve to represent the interests of the Members of the Group.

E.  Roles and Responsibilities of Chief Steward

6.8.7  Chief Steward  The Chief Steward shall be the contact for Group Stewards, and be responsible for recruiting Stewards, coordinating training, responding to enquiries, and supporting Stewards in fulfilling their Steward functions.  The Chief Steward shall be responsible for bringing the concerns of Steward forward to the Executive.  

R6.8.5.1 A Chief Steward shall be elected by members of the Executive. The Chief Steward shall liaise with Stewards nationally communicating information from the Group Executive to Stewards and from Stewards to the Executive.

F.  Eligibility to Hold Office

7.4 Eligibility to Hold Office

7.4.1 Because all members of the group executive are required to consult with the employer on behalf of the members, then, to be a candidate or remain as a group executive member, the member must be or become a Steward.

7.4.1  Members of the group executive must be regular members of the Group.  

G.  Voting on Motions

8.1.5 Voting on Motions All Regular members present at the Annual General Meeting are eligible to vote. Voting by Members present in person at the Annual General Meeting shall normally be by a show of hands.  Voting by Members present through teleconference or videoconference shall be by electronic means and these votes shall be supervised by an Observer designated by the Executive.   and each Each member shall have one (1) vote. Decisions shall be by a simple majority vote.

H.   Special General Meetings

8.2 Special General Meetings

8.2.1 A Special General Meeting of the Group shall be called by the Group Executive or at the written request of at least 10% of the twenty Group members. This meeting shall be held within six (6) weeks of such call or request.

  1.  Amendments to By-Laws by Executive


11.1 The Group Executive may make such Regulations and any amendments thereto, not inconsistent with these By-Laws, as it deems necessary or convenient for the operating of the Group.

11.2 All proposed Regulations and amendments approved by the Members thereto shall be submitted to the Institute for review and approval. They shall take effect on a date determined by the Group Executive, but not earlier than the date they were approved by the Institute.

11.3 Each such Regulation shall be presented to the next General Meeting of the Group, and may be rescinded or amended by such meeting. These constitute changes to the Regulations and shall be subject to Article 11.2.

J.  Discipline


Disciplinary measures may be taken in accordance with the By-Laws and Regulations of the Institute.

K.  Administrative Amendments - for Clarity

6.8.2 Vice-President The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of his their duties, and in the absence of the President, perform the duties of that position.

6.8.3 Secretary The Secretary shall be responsible for sending notices of all meetings of the Group and of the Group Executive. The Secretary shall record minutes of executive and general member meetings, including attendance, maintain records and correspondence of the Group and of the Group Executive, and shall ensure that a copy of minutes of the AGM are filed with the Institute.

7.1 Elections Committee The Executive shall appoint an Elections Committee made up of at least three Members of the Group to receive nominations for positions on the Group Executive, and to conduct the elections. Any member of the Elections Committee who becomes a candidate in the election shall resign from the Elections Committee.

7.2.2 Nomination forms must be received at the National Office of the Institute by the close of business midnight Pacific Standard Time on a date to be determined by the Elections Committee. In the event that insufficient nominations are received to fill the vacancies, the Elections Committee shall attempt to obtain the names of additional Members persons willing and able to serve sufficient to fill the remaining vacancies. If none are forthcoming, the Executive may appoint a Member someone to that position.

7.2.4 The Elections Committee shall scrutinize the nominations for eligibility and, if necessary, arrange for ballots to be distributed to all members eligible to vote in the election.

7.3.3 Ballots must be received at the National Office of the Institute by the close of business midnight Pacific Time on a date to be determined by the Elections Committee.

7.3.5 The Elections Committee shall ensure the membership is informed of the results of the election within one week of the close of voting. as soon as possible.

8.1 Annual General Meeting

8.1.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Group is its governing body. Only Regular and Retired members are entitled to attend.

10.2 All proposals for amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted, in writing, to the Group Executive. Proposed amendments may be submitted by any member of the Group. The notice of the Group meeting at which the amendments will be considered, shall include:

a) the article to be amended; and

b) the new wording.

and the Members notified of the proposed amendments as described in 8.1.2.

(See 8.1.2)

8.1.4 Agenda The agenda shall include the following items:

Approval of the Agenda

Adoption of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

Business Arising from the Minutes

Report of the President

Annual Financial Report

Approval of Budget

Report of the Elections Committee

New Business, including Proposed Constitution and By-Law Amendments

10.3 On approval at a General Meeting of the Members, amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws New Constitutions and By-Laws, as well as any amendments, shall be submitted to the Institute By-Laws and Policies Committee for review.

10.4 This Constitution and By-Laws and any amendments thereto shall take effect upon ratification by the Group membership and approval by the Institute.


In this Constitution and By-Laws, expressions in the masculine or feminine gender, in plural or in singular, may be substituted to give effect to the true meaning of the Constitution and By-Laws.

In this Constitution and By-Laws gender-neutral language shall be used to give effect to the true meaning of the Constitution and By-Laws.