Friday September 28, 2018

8:30 am—3 pm

Casino Lac Leamy—Salon Exécutif

Meeting Minutes


President—Peter Gabriel

Vice-President—James Bright

Secretary—Andree Doucet

Treasurer—Jason Huang

Atlantic Regional Representative—David Chu

Quebec Regional Representative – Jacques Laperriere

Ontario Regional Representative—Emily Beckerman

NCR Regional Representative – Vania Tsang

Prairies/NWT Representative—Linda Howes

BC/Yukon Regional Representative – Angela Cowie

Member-at-Large—Sidney MacInnis

Member-at-Large—Philip Wang

Member-at-Large—Olivia Leung

PIPSC Negotiator—Cara Ryan

PIPSC Researcher—Nicholas Daigneault

Opening Remarks—Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel welcomed everyone and thanked them all for being here. Reminder—family is more than welcome to come to the Hilton when we have the meetings here. They can use the facilities while we meet (pool, gym, etc.)

10 new members started June 1st. Lots of activity happening and very happy with the progress to date. Reminder that more experienced people can be a good source of information for completing forms such as expense forms, etc.    Natalie Belanger is our contact person and she can assist with all travel and expenses.

New Travel Authorization Form can now be used—Leave for Union Business, with pay. No longer need to use Leave without pay (LWOP) for union business—must have a TAN in order to use the new leave.    

Using LWOP can affect your pension benefits.  

Form to be used when you have a TAN. Must complete the form and send it to your Manager. They will send it to the Finance people. Every three months your Department will invoice PIPSC for the leave compensation. This will not affect your pay as it will not go through Phoenix.

Code is Union Cost Recovery but it may not be in the PeopleSoft system yet. – Code 641

For any other union related leave with pay (Steward activities etc.) you must still use the regular Leave with Pay.

Always have to put the TAN in the form since we are on travel status—regardless of if we are in town or from out of town. 

When travelling, out-of-town members are allowed to have accommodation paid for the night prior to the meeting.  

Must send all TAN requests and adjustments to Natalie. Be as specific as possible about your travel request. Please respect her time and do not put in frivolous requests since she is responsible for multiple groups and she is very busy.

Please do not call the hotel directly, unless specifically requested to do so. Should contact BCD about group travel, such as the AGM.

Agenda Approval

Move to approve the agenda—Andree

Seconded by James

Change requested with regards to Chair of Group Events—should be Olivia, not David


Minutes Approval

Motion to approve the amended minutes (name correction—Linda and Sidney and correction to Meetings #s—September meeting should be #1)—Andree

Seconded by Angela


Action Items

Send contact info to Andree

Issues with group email—not everyone is getting the emails.

Emily (Hotmail address) Angela (Gmail address)

President’s Report

Very busy four months. Had our first bargaining meeting this week, Tuesday—Thursday.

President has been to various subgroups, Toronto, Montreal, etc.

One NCR event—Family BBQ—nice turnout

Heading into National Elections—Biographies are now available on line.

Cannot endorse candidates as a Group Representative or using your title position but can, in private, identify who you would vote for. Must be you, as an individual stating your preference. 

Subgroups are starting to change their by-laws, enforcing the new Group By-Law of no retired members on the Executive.

Bargaining Symposium Update

Part of President’s mandate was to be more inclusive and have a bargaining advisory committee. Had a symposium in July, attended by 39 people, from across the country.   Debi Daviau was the keynote speaker. Took a lot of questions and commitments were made to improve the CO scale and some of the PG scales.

Reviewed our Bargaining Survey Results with Ryan Cambpell, by priority identified by the members.

Everyone in attendance agreed with the priorities of the group. There was no dissent in the room.

Cara, our negotiator then made those comments and based our proposal on some of those priorities.

Central Table participants—no Group Presidents and no executives from any other table (EWSP, Domestic Violence). Selected Kim McGuire, a CO03—wanted female representation and who has time to attend the meetings. Two PGs on Strategic Bargaining Committee so preferred having a CO on the Central Table.   Kim has applied to be a Steward.

Want to do another Bargaining Report later probably in December

and some regional bargaining reports

Financial Report

Motion to approve the finance report—Jason

Seconded by Andree


Action Item:

Motion to purchase a dress shirt (black) and a jacket—Olivia

Seconded by Angela


Olivia to look into a new logo to replace the globe. 

Steward Council Visibility—$ for providing some gifts for attendees (promotional items such as an umbrella)

Jason will determine under what cost category events or visibility items would go.

For members to attend regional (subgroup) AGMs, they need to request a TAN—this will allow them to claim gas and other expenses. 

Other things to consider—overnight, roller bags (suitcase) for executives

Visibility items for members at AGM—sweatshirt, dressier sweater, etc.

Do member engagement—small lunches, drinks, focus group discussions with members—charges to AV Group.

Subgroup Report—James

Subgroup AGM in Halifax (Peter, James and Nancy McUne to travel to Halifax)

All Subgroups must follow the AV Group By-laws—no retired members on Executives—following Board Directive

Retired members are encouraged to participate and provide advisory services since they have valuable experience and knowledge to share

Do not hesitate to email James with regards for support on any issues (proposals for events etc.)

Visits to subgroups are planned in the following months (prior to December)—locations still to be determined.   Member engagement and to spend the budget.

Email plans to James (copy Jason) for subgroup visits. Should be trying to touch base with all the northern, more remote subgroups as well—Yukon, NWT.

Halifax Sub-Group AGM

  • Received communique but not the invite for the AGM
  • Adding a collective bargaining update to the agenda

Move in camera

Move out of camera

Regional Reports:

BC-Yukon Regional Report—Angela—See Annex A

AGM date selected—Peter will be attending the AGM

Diverse geographical group so it is good that members can get reimbursed for their travel

Want to do some outreach out to all the sub-groups, specifically Vancouver. Outreach prior to elections was very well received.

Prairie—NWT Report—Linda Howes—See Annex B

Written report submitted by Linda

No stewards in Alberta—Will be working to try and do Steward recruitment in those areas

Andree travelling for work to Winnipeg and Saskatoon. Will work with her to organize a lunch and learn in Winnipeg and an afternoon Meet and Greet in Saskatoon. 

Ontario Regional Report

2 new Stewards trying to apply

CS and CRA heavy in the region

Ottawa ERO has been very helpful—even in NCR, if you don’t belong to the big groups you don’t get representation

Subgroups – 7 Ontario subgroups

Recommendation to rename the Southern Ontario subgroup to the actual city name (Kitchener-Waterloo e.g.)

Only a treasurer at the moment—no president or vice-president. 

Plan to meet with them and find out what is going on. 

Atlantic Region—David Chu

Member issues resolution—LGBQ training—why are we not doing more. 

Subgroup development—Cape Breton

Halifax subgroup—encourage members to attend the AGM

Will step in to help out if need be but was afraid of the Optics by being on the Group and then being on the Executive of one of the Subgroups

Action Plan—LGBQ Training—PIPSC training

DND — PGs—difficult for them to get away for lunch activities—may need to approach them and do an after work activity.

NCR Region—Vania

August 11th—NCR BBQ—good turnout – 80 people

Had a magic show and balloon twisting

Good networking opportunity

Organizing a movie night—will be speaking to Jason with regards to this

Quebec Region—Jacques—See Annex C

Group Events

AV_Group_Events—goes to Natalie Belanger

Atlantic Region wants to do a BBQ but could not find anyone—should look for a caterer that will do it. Full-service—turnkey solution.

Communications Committee—Vania

Usually do 2 communications a year in the form of a Newsletter—get info from all the reps and it gets amalgamated

Motion to have a report submitted by Regional Reps, Executives, etc., by November 15th to form our first newsletter. To be posted mid-December. – Vania

Seconded by Peter


Include pictures of events, etc.  Newsletter will be sent to everyone before Xmas.

Youth Committee—James

Nil Report

By-laws Committee—Peter

By-laws were sent out to all Sub-Group committees. Remind all Subgroups to change their by-laws to reflect the Group by-law—Model constitution for subgroups—Only regular members can hold office.

If anyone wants to change anything regarding by-laws, contact one of the committee members.

PIPSC AGM Committee

Motion to purchase carry-on bags by Peter

Seconded by Linda


AV AGM — James

Nil report

Tentatively booked June 23rd at the Hilton Lac Leamy

Professionalism Committee (Peter for Emily)

Topics came up in Bargaining—registration dues, etc.

Collective Bargaining Committee—Peter

Met for 3 days—exchanged proposals with TBS

PIPSC strategy is to have a central table to discuss issues relevant to all groups—harassment, EWSP, etc.

We tabled a fulsome proposal package in preparation for a long round. TBS tabled a very short proposal.   They seem to have left everything to the central table.

Don’t have a lot to exchange on since their proposal was so short.

Dates are set for December in hopes that the central table meets in October—November.

No action for next couple of months for us—will do updates around the central table.

PIPSC is pushing big issues centrally—interests are being represented at the Central Table.

Will PIPSC be doing updates on the Central Bargaining Table—don’t exactly know how it will be disseminated at the moment. Need to communicate that effectively to our members.

Cara ran through our proposal to explain what we have requested.

Cara to send consistent messaging to the Executive so that they can share to their Sub-Groups

Mindfulness Committee—Philip

Written report submitted—See Annex D

Many departments are adopting peer support (mental health first aid being offered)

Keep an eye on the Mental Health Strategy from PIPSC

Group events Committee—Olivia


Bring mindfulness to our meetings

Winnipeg General Strike

New Business

Linda to write up proposal—event for the Winnipeg General Strike—Executive to travel to Winnipeg

Look at doing an Event between May and June for 100 year anniversary in Winnipeg

Jason to look at costing and report back for November 1st meeting

Round Table

A lot of interest in new Employee Wellness Support Program—members have questions and we need presentations in the regions

Mixed reaction throughout the membership

Closing remarks—Peter

Good meeting. Nice to see everyone again. Will meet again on Thursday, November 1, 2018.

Annex A—BC/Yukon

Subgroup updates:

The North Central Vancouver Island  (NCVI) Subgroup located in Nanaimo will welcome Rob MacDonald, PIPSC BC/Yukon Regional Director on October 3rd for a lunch and learn session. Rob will talk about pay and engagement, and lay the groundwork for a future session on how grievances work.  On October 18th, Peter Gabriel, AV Group President, will present at their lunch and learn to update on bargaining negotiations and the EWSP. 

The Vancouver Subgroup welcomes Peter Gabriel, AV Group President, on October 19th to present an update on bargaining negotiations and the EWSP at their lunch and learn. 

The South Vancouver Island (SVI) AV Subgroup 1st Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled October 18 5:30 to 6:30 pm for the ratification of the subgroup bylaws and to hold the election for the executive at the Pacific Forestry Centre in Victoria, BC; an invitation email from PIPSC will follow requiring members to RSVP. 

Another special thanks to our interim executive including Christine Cress, Laura Muller, Anita Blais and Bronwen Grieve for their efforts in making re-establishing this subgroup a pleasure. Members who wish to run for any position should review the PIPSC bylaws that govern the formation of Subgroupshttp://www.pipsc.ca/about/governance/bylaws-and-regulations#10.2 and then the AV Group bylaws  section 4.1 http://www.pipsc.ca/groups/av/bylaws regarding elections to the executive.

Annex B—Prairies / NWT


Membership Engagement :

  1. Had PIPSC post Prairie/NWT welcome message to all members in the region.
  2. Discussed possibility of Regina subgroup with 2 members.
  3. Contacted Saskatoon Subgroup executive. Scheduled to attend their AGM on November 22 and give information to members on:
    1. Status of bargaining
    2. EWSP information
    3. Update on PIPSC AGM

Annex C—Quebec Region

Montréal Sub-Group

  • There was a Lunch & Learn about Phoenix this summer.
  • The Montreal Sub-Group would like to organize 2 more Lunch & Learn events this fall: (1) Bargaining Update and (2) Employee Support and Wellness Program. 
  • The new President Yannick Poulin brings new ideas to ensure the vitality and dynamism of this important Sub-Group.

Elsewhere in Québec

  • I continue to be in contact with Lyne Larocque for the possible formation of a new Sub-Group in and around Québec City.
  • I haven’t had any other contacts regarding the formation of a sub-group on the South Shore of Montréal, but I remain on the lookout.

Annex D—Mindfulness & peer support committee

Researching issue further before calling first meeting of committee members. 

AKA What issues/support for members “fall between the cracks”.  

Committee (Jacques, Angela, Andree) not trying to “re-invent the wheel” or “step on others” toes’ (thus adding new value to members)

Meetings held with:

-PG-01 probably will remain for entire career, use of disability tax credit, stigma in the workplace, 

his department has a peer support pilot, specifically excluding the unions (as “third” path vs normal management/eap and grievances)

-member recalled to Canada due to international politics, personal and career impacts, resolution is early retirement

-retiree/guild leadership, whether idea of peer support and “lives experience” is timeless, vs “current” work experience, after several meetings guild has no interest and liability and specialty, so refer members to community resources instead

-a branch president and departmental consultation team president—“totally against” department’s ideas for peer support—why?

-CO-02 member dealing with Ltd, Sun Life, medical retirement, next steps?  (Not me!)

-“Mental health first aid” is offered by more and more Departments running sessions in their departments. For those not able to find one in their workplace, regular sessions also offered at the Royal Ottawa hospital. E.g. Oct 9-10, $200.  

Next steps

Continue to explore, then discuss with committee members in October. 

One concrete deliverable will be to prepare a Report to the AV group executive. At minimum it will link to community resources available to our members. 

Article in future AV group newsletter, all for members with work-related issues they do not feel currently adequately addressed.