Amir Zand

Amir Zand

Amir Zand, MSc.

Your Voices Should Matter; Your Concerns Should Matter; YOU Should Matter

Fellow Members, your representation is my honor. The following points (in no particular order) will be my focus:  

Wages Tied to Inflation: This should be the minimum goal to ensure the members’ current standard of living. I am not going to sacrifice this very important goal, which affects all of us, over any of my personal or political views.  

Sick Leave: With reduced/eliminated sick leave, ordinary members must pay out of our own pockets for an occasional day or two of sick leave, which is even worse if someone suffers from a chronic disease.

Phoenix Pay System: The employer should compensate every single member for this fiasco. Because of Phoenix, many of us are hesitant to make any changes in our career, and many of us don’t even know whether we are being paid properly.

Your Issues and Concerns: When was the last time your input was asked? It is PIPSC’s job to actively and continually reach out to you for your input, concerns, and interests. With today’s technology, this is practical and inexpensive. My focus is on satisfying YOUR demands, not what elites say you should be allowed to demand.

Representation: In addition to representing Women’s and LGBTQ+ concerns, I would represent the concerns of Men too, including:

Gender base offenses: It is necessary to denounce and eliminate any gender base discrimination, hate, violence, harassment, etc. against Female and LGBTQ+ members; however, the definition should be inclusive to protect Male members against similar offenses too.