AFS-2018 - Bylaw Amendment 7


Whereas the AFS regions are already defined in the AFS bylaws, so to have it in the regulations is duplication that’s not necessary

Therefore be it resolved the R17 be deleted


R17.1.1 Ontario Region - includes those locations that are deemed to be part of the Ontario and National Capital Region including the Ottawa TSO and excludes the Greater Toronto Area, Mississauga, Outaouais, NCR IT Region and Headquarters.

R17.1.2 Toronto Region - Greater Toronto Area and Mississauga.

R17.1.3 Québec Region includes those locations that are identified as part of the Québec Region plus the Outaouais TSO and excludes NCR IT Region and Headquarters.

R17.1.4 Headquarters Region includes those locations that are identified as part of the Headquarters of the Agency excluding the NCR IT Region.

R17.1.5 NCR IT Region includes locations in the NCR occupied by members who work in the Information Technology Branch (ITB) and the Ottawa Technology Centre and the Ottawa Taxation Centre.