The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Éric Massey

(Translated from French)

Éric Massey

I am writing to you today to ask for your support in representing you on our national executive.

I have been a nurse since 1999. I have been working at the Correctional Service of Canada since 2001. I have been fortunate enough to work in a variety of settings. This allowed me to understand the particularities of each environment and to build a solid network of contacts with several health professionals.

I became a steward in 2010. Since then, I have completed various training sessions offered by PIPSC to learn more and better defend our members. I always strive to understand the issues, provide guidance to our members and represent them to the employer. Those with whom I have worked will confirm my commitment and perseverance in defending and protecting their rights.

My contributions are as following:

• Member of the regional consultation team since 2010
• Member of the local OHSC since 2010
• Member of the local consultation team since 2013
• Vice-president of the CSC-Montreal-North Shore Chapter from 2013 to 2019
• Founding President of the new CSC-Montreal-North Shore Chapter since 2021
• Member of the National HS Executive since September 2014
• Founding President of the SH CSC-Montreal-North Shore Sub-Group from 2014 to 2021
• Member of the negotiation team since 2016

Some will also recall that in 2018, at the invitation of our president, I had the privilege of representing the SH group at a hearing before the Canadian Senate.

My goals are to continue to represent all professions in our HS group, to increase our visibility and to hold more union events. I want to be present and accessible to face the challenges and difficulties related to the new work realities for all our members. I am committed to consulting, communicating with and representing you.


Éric Massey