Douglas Vye

Douglas VyeI have been a steward for more than five years. I have been the Consultation President at Elections Canada and a member of the PIPSC Advisory Council. I am currently a member of the Quinte Branch executive and the Quinte IT sub-group executive.

I have assisted members with informal discussions with the employer, filing grievances, and resolving Duty to Accommodate issues. I have supported members experiencing harassment and provided advice in dealing with employer Human Resources. At Elections Canada, I was instrumental in convincing the employer to not implement full Return to Office.

My objective is to support IT members to the fullest of my ability. I believe that IT members should receive all the information that they require from the IT group to be fully aware of the challenges in this uncertain employment environment. I strongly support the use of modern information distribution techniques to ensure that information is fully and equitably shared to all our members.

I have been an IT professional and a member of the Public Service for more than 16 years. Over this time, I have assisted and worked collaboratively with people at all staff and management levels. They know that my objective is to help IT members and that I will not deviate from this task.

I believe that I can use my experience and skills to support IT members at the National level, while continuing to support them at the local level.

We are always Better Together!