Douglas Vye

Hello Everyone,

Photo Douglas Vye

I am a proud IT Group member and the Consultation President for PIPSC at Elections Canada. As a Consultation President, I also am a member of the Advisory Council that assists and advises the President and Board.

I have been a steward for five years and actively provide advice and assistance to IT members at various government organizations.
My areas of focus have been: addressing management compliance with the TBS directive exempting IT Group members from the Return to Office; assisting IT members with grievances; assisting IT members with Accommodation requests; and assisting IT members in dealing with harassment.

I have been an IT professional for more than 35 years and worked on everything from machine coding to AI. I intend to continue learning and sharing my knowledge with my IT colleagues. My broad spectrum of experience enables my comprehensive understanding of the challenges of the IT workforce and how to assist IT members, both new and experienced.

I have been a member of the Public Service for 16 years. Over this time I have assisted and worked collaboratively with people who have progressed to management levels. They know that when I deal with them on IT member issues that I will not deviate from my intent to do the best for IT members.

As a member of the LGBTQ2S+ community I have worked towards our support and inclusion in contributing and advising society.

I feel that I can use my experience and skills to support IT members at national level, while continuing to provide support at the local level.

We are always Better Together!