The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Cathy Cheung

Hello, my name is Cathy Cheung.

I'm a Research Officer in Aerospace in Ottawa at M14. I've been on the executive for 6 years, including as a bargaining team member, steward, and group president for 5 years. I've learned a lot in these years about how NRC works, how PIPSC works, and most importantly how to listen and to build relationships with members, management and RCEA in order to improve the workplace. We’ve worked hard to increase understanding of the role of PIPSC at NRC as well as ensuring that ROs and RCOs are well represented at PIPSC and NRC. I'm keen to continue to support the important work of the group executive and so I am putting my name forward for one of the vacancies on the executive.

I hope that you will support my application.