The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Brad Whitson - Nav Canada Group

I began my career with Canadian Armed Forces in 1984, I then transferred to Transport Canada in 1989 as an Air Traffic Control Trainee and becoming a member of CATCA . I learned how unions work while being in CATCA. In 1992 I joined ATOS also becoming a member PSAC. Since 2002 I have been with Information Management at the Winnipeg Area Control Center as a IT Product & Service Delivery Specialist . I currently support  the Winnipeg FIR for IM related matters. I have previously  been a Member at large and on the bargaining team, I am familiar with the duties and responsibilities of both.

I have a strong drive and motivation to learn new things. My excellent verbal and written skills enable me to effectively communicate information to others. I have been a member of 3 unions and am familiar with their agreements, which I feel would make me a good candidate for this position. I deal with clients and management on a daily basis and have excellent people skills. I am responsible for a variety of jobs to be done on a day-to-day basis and through them have strengthened my organizational skills.