Ayman Soryal
Fellow Members,
It is a tremendous privilege and honor to offer my experience, hard work and dedication to run for the position of the Ontario Area. Currently, I am the National President of the VM group and PIPSC consultation lead for National/Ontario UMCC. As I have done in the past, I will continue to serve you in your workplace.
As a VM exposed to Meat Hygiene and Animal Health programs, I am aware of all the member’s concerns. I have represented members effectively on Area and National Union-Management Consultation Committees and OSH, while maintaining contact with our members.
As a VM steward for Ontario, I have extensive experience in representing our members and communicating their issues with management. My areas of expertise include, getting affected VMs reasonable job offers, completing transfer requests, grievances, collective agreements, harassment complaints and accommodations.
I believe that we, as Veterinarians, deserve to get a fair collective agreement, and that we must include equivalent compensation to the private sector, and career development.
I humbly request your vote so that I may continue this important work on your behalf on the VM Group Executive.
In Solidarity,
Ayman Soryal