Angelo Guglielmo

Dear NR Members,
Amgelo Guglielmo
I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the NR Group Executive and humbly request your vote as we face the challenges ahead.

The landscape is evolving rapidly: inflation is skyrocketing, potential PIPSC dues increases loom, and the possibility of a new Conservative government in 2025 raises concerns given their historical stance towards union members. Now more than ever, we need informed leadership to protect our interests.

With many years of active membership in the NR Group and PIPSC, I have a deep understanding of labour rights, collective bargaining, and workplace issues. I am committed to ensuring that every member is treated with dignity and respect by both our employer and within PIPSC. Our compensation and benefits should reflect our professional contributions and exceed the government's usual CPI-based increases.

I have a proven track record of overcoming challenges and am a dedicated volunteer who believes in pursuing the right path, no matter how difficult the journey.


• Work, over 35 years: Project Manager/Engineer with DND/ADM(Mat). I have managed major Capital Projects in the areas of Satellite Communication Systems, Radar Systems, Command & Control Systems, Computer Networks and Underwater Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles.

• PIPSC, over 24 years: Various roles, including President, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large within the NR Group Executive, the DND NCR Branch and NR Sub-Group. As a Steward, I have successfully assisted numerous members with both significant and minor issues.

Thank you for your vote!

Angelo Guglielmo B.Eng, B.E.E. PM Level 2