Andrée Doucet

As I humbly seek re-election as your CP Group President, I am deeply grateful for the trust and support you have placed in me. Over the past term, this executive has achieved significant milestones, rooted in my core principles of respectful and collaborative leadership.

My commitment to inclusive, member-centered decision-making has been the cornerstone of this executive’s success. Every member’s voice matters. Financial accountability and the respectful use of member dues have been paramount in this executive’s stewardship. I have upheld transparency and integrity in every decision, ensuring that our resources are used efficiently and responsibly. Through dedicated member outreach and engagement efforts, we’ve expanded our steward base, empowering more members to actively contribute to our collective goals. I am particularly proud of the revitalization of existing sub-groups and expansion into Quebec, Labrador, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, which now serve as vibrant platforms for representing diverse perspectives within our membership. At the bargaining table, I have relentlessly fought for the priorities that you have identified, trying to ensure that our collective efforts translate into tangible benefits for all our members.

With your support, I am eager to continue building upon these achievements.