Every day, Canada’s world-class public service professionals confront new challenges in such diverse fields as the environment, the economy, security and health.

As they meet these challenges from a global perspective, their expertise has earned respect worldwide.

For example, public service professionals are recognized as world leaders in:

  • Climate change research and forecasting
  • Developing vaccines and reviewing new drugs
  • Developing and approving standards for infrastructure
  • Developing and maintaining secure IT applications
  • Auditing and monitoring international tax applications
  • Food safety and certification

PIPSC represents 55,000 professionals committed to ensuring that Canada has the credibility and tools to defend the interests of Canadians.

Public service professionals vigorously maintain their credentials, training requirements and recognition among peers, both nationally and internationally.

PIPSC members take pride in providing the highest standards of service to all Canadians – in many fields of expertise, including engineering, science and research, communications, health, law, transportation, defence, commerce, procurement, informatics, auditing, and many more.

On National Public Service Week, the Professional Recognition and Qualifications Committee salutes PIPSC members who play a vital role in our country and who perform their duties with passion, devotion and integrity.