Public service professionals are integral to a prosperous economy and a safe, healthy, and compassionate society. We are assets to the Canadian public – skilled experts who choose to devote our working lives to helping, protecting and innovating in the interest of the public good. Professionals speak truth to power and ensure the government is responsive, informed and evidence-based.

The Professional Recognition and Qualifications Committee (PRQC) is a body of fellow PIPSC members mandated to guide our union’s decisions on issues within the intersection of professional standards and public services.

In recent years, we have felt that professionalism is in crisis. We want to chart a path forward where employers cultivate an environment of continual career development and training for their employees. We want to ensure a trustworthy government that makes evidence-based decisions in the public interest and meets professional and academic standards.

On behalf of the PRQC, I invite you to take a confidential survey to help us identify the key issues our members face in preserving professionalism within the public service.




Copy and paste the following link into your browser search bar:


Your responses are strictly confidential.

Please complete the survey by June 28, 2024.

In solidarity,

Waheed Khan
NCR Regional Director