Nomination instructions

  1. Complete and sign electronically the nomination form below. Please disconnect from the government's VPN and use a personal device in order to ensure the form loads. If you require an alternate format, please contact
  2. Include the member signature form with the appropriate number of signatures (100 for president, 50 for vice-president, or 25 for regional director).
  3. Include an optional written and/or video biographical sketch. See the Election Campaign Administrative Procedures for further instructions.
  4. Include a high-resolution head and shoulders photo of yourself (.jpg or .tiff format).
  5. All nomination documentation must be received no later than August 2, 2024 at 5:00 PM Ottawa time.
  6. Failure to comply with sending in nomination documents by the deadline will result in the nomination being refused. (Refer to 3. Nomination Documents in the Notice of Elections.)
  7. Confirmation of receipt of nomination documents will be sent to the email address indicated on your nomination form. If you do not receive confirmation, please contact
  8. Keep original documents in case these are requested by the Elections Committee.
  9. The Elections Committee will meet to ensure that the documents submitted are completed in accordance with the instructions.

PIPSC Policy on the Election of Officers and Directors

Nominations: Nominations must be in writing, signed by at least one hundred (100) members for candidates for the office of President, fifty (50) for the office of Vice-President, and twenty-five (25) for the position of Regional Director, and contain the consent of the nominees attested to by their signature. Such nominations must be received at the National Office not later than 5:00 PM (Ottawa time) on the day fixed for the close of nominations. Both original nomination and signature forms and those forms scanned and submitted by electronic mail attachments shall be accepted as official nominations. The date fixed for the close of nominations shall be not less than ten (10) weeks before the date fixed for the election.

Biographical sketches: Each candidate for office may submit one (1) written biographical sketch in either official language and/or one (1) video biographical sketch in either official language (or one (1) bilingual video biographical sketch). A written biographical sketch submitted in English will be of no more than four hundred (400) words, whereas a written biographical sketch submitted in French would be of no more than four hundred and fifty (450) words (as determined by the software in use by the Institute at the time). A video biographical sketch will be no more than two (2) minutes in duration. Biographical sketches are to be received at the National Office not later than the date and time fixed for the receipt of nominations. The position sought, name and membership status of the candidate shall precede the written biographical sketch but shall not be included in the word count. Each video biographical sketch shall begin with the name, position sought and membership status of the candidate. All biographical sketches shall adhere to the administrative procedures provided by the Elections Committee.

Biographical Sketches, Candidate Websites, and PIPSC Email Accounts

It is the candidate’s responsibility to review their biographical sketch before it is submitted. Once submitted, biographical sketches will not be changed unless the change was requested by the Elections Committee.

Biographical sketches must not contain any statements that are false, misleading, or unsubstantiated about a candidate’s activities with PIPSC. Biographical sketches must not contain any statements that are false, misleading, or unsubstantiated in their representation of a candidate, PIPSC or any of its constituent bodies, stewards, employees, executive members or other representatives. If an investigation resulting from an official complaint process reveals a statement to be false or misleading, then that new information will be published to the membership on the PIPSC website.

Biographical sketches that reference service in past or continuing Officer or Director positions must include the dates of service in those positions. Biographical sketches that cite a received award (example: Steward of the Year) must include the year the award was given.

A link will be provided to each biographical sketch. Please be advised that only one website address is allowed and will be counted as one (1) word in the biographical sketch and that a link will be provided to the respective site if that is requested and the necessary information is sent in with the nomination papers. Websites will not be reviewed by the Elections Committee, but the Elections Committee will investigate any complaints received regarding these sites. Candidates and their respective websites are expected to conform to the By-Laws, Policies and all election administrative procedures.

Current users of PIPSC email accounts must create a separate email account to use for election-related activities to avoid confusion or implying endorsement.