26 January 2018
Delta City Centre



  • Stan Buday
  • Gordon Bulmer
  • Rob Scott
  • Pierre Touchette
  • Dean Corda
  • Guy Abel (By phone)
  • Deb Butler
  • Robert Tellier
  • Denis Caissy
  • Stacy McLaren
  • Eva Henshaw
  • Karim Chaggani
  • Lucille Shears


  • Denise Doherty-Delorme





1. Call to Order: 9:14


2. Approval of Agenda –Moved by: Stacy/Seconded: Karim  Carried as Amended

Cloud Computing Lead
Canada Digital Services 
EWSP - Under Bargaining

3. Approval of Minutes -  Moved by Stacy, Second by Deb

Nov 16 2017- Carried 
Dec 7th teleconference

Dec 7th teleconference - Follow up action item: Pierre to talk with Rob to let the CS Subgroup presidents know to account for space in luggage for shirt to be taken back to subgroup.


4a Leave with Pay for Union meetings

Using 699 leave code works – official code to be out soon from TBS was mentioned.
Robert received an email from Richard Beaule about a report about leave for union meetings – in the draft there is mention that justification will be needed. There are concerns about providing the reason of the meeting to employers. 
Two codes to be offered – 641 Leave without pay for union and possible 642 for EWSP
As long as TAN is provided and it shows you are an attendee it should be enough for justification for leave
 Something that should be considering an administrative   TAN(?) to provide justification for that leave.
Other groups need to know this so will be brought up to SBC

4b 50th Anniversary

Only updates – Activities arcade style games for the AGM
Pierre to look into the 18 month Calendar 
Will be the launch for a yearlong celebration of our 50th anniversary.
Judy Chow has offered to step up and help the committee with ideas.
CS Lanyards as a promo items for 50th – to talk to other PIPSC units
Have a game for a chance to win an arcade game built by Stephane.

4c Update on bargaining method

Question that there was a suggestion from PIPSC for targeted bargaining

4d Nomination of member for life membership

Robert is bringing forward a proposal that Luc Carriere be nominated for a PIPSC Life Membership award and the nomination should be from the CS Group.    

Robert to write up the nomination 
Stacy to draft the recommendation to attach to nomination

4e Motion for Communications officer laptop

Communication officer needs a laptop that will have more advanced laptop and that the equipment needs to be of higher quality.  
Questions raised about how costs are above what is allowed as well as the problem that could happen with subscription.  Suggest that the subscription be in the name of the group.
Motion:  Moved that the Executive pay up to $1000 in addition to the $1500 for the Communications Officer to be reimbursed for the portfolio laptop. Moved by Denis, Seconded by Eva - Carried

4f CS Subgroup Presidents meeting

Identified the where and when of this event.
Invite has been sent out.
Draft agenda has been worked on.  Items on the agenda to include: CS group 50th anniversary activities (include a possible brainstorming section at the Subgroup presidents’ meeting), small workshop about steward recognition (survey will be sent out by Guy on CS App)
Launch of CS App, NOC update or activity, Contracting out action plan.
Friday night function, Robert suggests having dinner at a sugar bush cabin 
Motion:  To approve up to $750 to arrange for transportation to the Sugar Shack for the Friday night event.  Moved by Robert/ seconded by Denis Carried

Motion:  That the CS group pay for the significant others or family that accompany the delegates for the Contract proposal committee members and Subgroup presidents that are attending the event. Moved by Lucille Second by Karim. Carried 

4g Subscription to La Liberté

Motion: That a subscription to La Liberté be provided for the Communications Officer for one year. Moved by Denis second by Deb. Carried

4h Motion to bring Linda Rochefort to AGM

Motion:  Moved that Linda Rochefort’s attend the CS AGM as admin support.  Moved by Lucille, second by Stacy Motion withdrawn


The invite has been sent out and the draft agenda has also been posted.
Elections chair to check on nominations that have been submitted.

4j Cloud Computing Lead

The GoC is moving to two providers (Microsoft and Amazon) for cloud computing.  There should be a lead from the CS Executive that will take point on this.   
Pierre has put his name forward to be lead for this.
Discussion is that it could either fall under consultation or that the group needs to have a lead on this.

4k Canada Digital Services

Just an FYI on what this is.  There is information in the president’s report.
There was feedback that the CS members to participate in this (60%) They develop open source solutions for applications.
They want to have input from us.

5. Portfolio Reports

5a President –Stan

Stan reported on his activities from November to January.

5b Vice President -Pierre

Pierre reported on his activities from November to January.

5c Treasurer - Deb

Report provided to executive of finances for the Group
Suggestion to executives to provide Deb with budgets for their portfolios.

5d Bargaining Officer- Robert Tellier

Survey is being sent out soon.  
Biggest question is whether or not to have targeted bargaining or regular length of time.
Route of bargaining needs to be decided in survey.
Do we need to ask same questions about sick leave and let them know that nothing changed from the last round.
Discussion of what kinds of questions should be on the survey.

5d i EWSP

Motion to closed session

5d ii SBC

Agenda not received as yet,
Still to have the discussion on whether we should do expedited/regular bargaining.
Robert thinks we should put markers on CA and that we have that in reserve in case expedited bargaining not chosen.
Concerns raised that the SBC could see that the CS group might be overrun with other groups deciding on method of bargaining.
Tentative timeline for the survey was given.
If there is expedited bargaining, we want to know what information we consider for expedited bargaining and what position we want.
It is not expedited but rather it was targeted bargaining that is being proposed.

5d iii Contract proposal committee

There is a list of who applied to attend to the March 15 / 16 on the google drive.
Names will be provided by Stan and Robert via email to rest of executive.

5e Noc Roc Officer -Gordon

Provided quick report

5f Communications Officer - Denis

Since with the reduction of members needing CS Bytes, we need to use La Liberté and other news for sending out to members
Meeting to prepared communications for FY 2018 / 19
Communications need to go on website as well as social media.

5g Sub Group Officer-Rob Scott

Reminder that subgroup presidents on the Executive have the ability to send another exec member in their place to the subgroup presidents meeting
Question raised of Suffield being closed down.  There is no participation other than one person.

5g i Sherbrooke Subgroup rescue

Rescued.  Date has been set to hold subgroup AGM.

5h Steward Officer-Guy

Do we want the email or in the report from the Steward officer.
Renewals done in December.

5i Membership Officer -Lucille

Report on the drive under the membership portfolio.
Number of rands were presented
Presentation being prepared for Subgroup presidents meeting to do rand drives in their subgroups

5j Labour relations Officer -Dean

Next WGC and AC is next week

5k Classification Officer -Karim

Brief report given on status of reclassification to IT classification.

5l Contracting out Officer - Eva

Report on drive to summarize
Tonight the COAP will be training tonight
DND requested to talk to Eva and Glen and should have a COAT member to be on the call.  There is starting to be a mix of COAP and consultation.

6. Round Table

6a Reports

Put in folder and a copy of report in the meeting folder.

Next meeting –  Stacy to do a doodle for after Subgroup president meeting.  Fri, Sat and Mon.
Adjournment – 5:39