Resolutions - Late

L-1 Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Triennial Convention Participation

Sponsors: Ontario Regional Council | Disposition: Died on the Order Paper

Whereas PIPSC has benefited by its membership in the CLC; and,

Whereas participation in the CLC Triennial provides direction to the CLC and the Canadian Labour movement and,

Whereas PIPSC, being a CLC member is allocated 110 delegates to the Convention,

Whereas PIPSC lapses the majority of those seats at the Triennial Convention,

Be it resolved that, the PIPSC Board of Directors work together with the Advisory Council and develop a strategy to fund and use the seats allotted to PIPSC for the CLC Triennial Convention by June 2018; and

Be it further resolved that the Ontario Region present this motion at the PIPSC AGM

L-2 Constituent Body Funding

Sponsor: Ontario Regional Council | Disposition: Died on the Order Paper

Whereas dues increases are passed by a PIPSC Annual General Meeting vote; and

Whereas PIPSC uses these increased revenues to fund Institute expenses; and

Whereas all PIPSC constituent bodies experience the same increase in expenses to represent our members;

Be it resolved that funding for all PIPSC constituent bodies be increased in the same proportion as any dues increases passed by a PIPSC National Annual General Meeting vote.

L-3 Financial Statements – Fund Accounting

Sponsors: Ontario Regional Council | Disposition: Died on the Order Paper

Whereas PIPSC currently has an operating fund, strike fund and bargaining fund combined in one financial statement and a separate building fund statement; and

Whereas it is difficult for the ordinary member to gain an overall understanding of PIPSC’s financial position and the position of the individual funds; and

Whereas it is possible that the building will incur a loss of $2 million this year; and

Whereas it is important that members be able to easily gain an understanding of the true financial picture of PIPSC;

Be it resolved that the PIPSC financial statements show the operating fund, strike fund, bargaining fund and building fund separately and show a consolidated total.

L-4 Right of Directors to Represent Members

Sponsors: Ontario Regional Council | Disposition: Died on the Order Paper

Whereas the Board of Directors has changed the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy as follows Members of the Board of Directors shall not act as representatives of any Institute member in relation to any matter at any stage of the process”; and

Whereas if the employer restricted the right of elected union leaders to represent our members in the workplace we would consider this to be oppressive; and

Whereas PIPSC is complex structure and Directors are often the ones that know most about it and are in the best position to help and assist members; and

Whereas members may be subject to discipline that could have would not have been imposed if they had been represented by a Director;

Be it resolved that the new wording “Members of the Board of Directors shall not act as representatives of any Institute member in relation to any matter at any stage of the process”, be struck from the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy

L-5 Segregated Fund for Use in Strike Activity

Sponsor: Ontario Regional Council | Disposition: Died on the Order Paper

Whereas the Institute does not have a funded and segregated strike fund and employers view strike mandates with apprehension; and

Whereas the recent dues increase more than funds the anticipated legal and operational costs of the Institute;

Be it resolved that the Ontario Regional Council direct the Ontario Regional Executive to present the following motion at the PIPSC AGM; and

Be it further resolved that a segregated fund be established and used for any strike activity,
And be it further resolved that $5 per month of union dues currently paid by Institute members be allocated to this segregated strike fund, effective January 1, 2018.