The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting Minutes

 Delta Halifax, Halifax, NS, December 2, 2017

CHAIRPERSON: Kimberley Skanes

EXECUTIVE:  Michael Basque

Marilyn Best

Gerry Saunders

Cathy Hebert

Carolyn Hynes

Marcel Journeay

Scott McConaghy

Mike Pauley

Phil Wilson

REGRETS:  Emmanuel Costain

STAFF: Catherine Pinks, Recording Secretary

Welcome and Introductions

Kimberley called the meeting to order at 8:27 am and welcomed participants to Halifax, stating she hoped everyone enjoyed the Seasonal Social.  She introduced the two observers:  Jackie Holly and Leslie Nasmith.  A round table introduction followed.

Michael facilitated a humorous icebreaker which highlighted the usefulness of laughter as a stress reliever.

ACTION:  Marilyn will facilitate the ice breaker at the January meeting.

1.  Approval of the Agenda

The following items were added to the agenda:

  • 10). b.  Closed session Action Item
  • 14.5).  ARC (time permitting)

Motion #1  Phil moved and Cathy seconded that the agenda be approved as amended.


2.  Approval of Minutes of October 19, 2017

Kim advised that Atlantic won the Legacy Cup.  The cup was brought out for display during the meeting. 

Motion #2     Carolyn moved and Marcel seconded that the minutes be approved as presented.


3.   Action Item Review

Kim led the Executive through a review of the Action Items from the October 19, 2017, meeting.           

Action Items

Generated by the Atlantic Regional Executive

From the October 19, 2017, Meeting

Delta Halifax, Halifax, NS



Item/Completion Deadline





Collect pictures and stories from their respective constituent bodies and submit to Carolyn for PIPSC’s 100th Anniversary.




Resolutions Committee

Establish and communicate to the ARC delegates the deadline for the submission of ARC resolutions.


BF December



Source a translation service to facilitate the translation of resolutions at the ARC.




Cathy Hebert

Solicit BINGO ideas from Stewards at CRA for 2018 Steward Council and report back to December meeting.


BF December



Update, format and post to the Executive Portal the following documents:  Sub Committee Mandates, Roles and Responsibilities; Atlantic Regional Executive Roles and Responsibilities; Atlantic Region Training Committee Mandate and Role of the Atlantic Region Training Committee Chairperson.





Compile the results of the Goal setting exercise and add to the December Agenda for final review.


BF December



Email Phil to remind him to speak with Greg Murphy regarding obtaining 4 prints from Greg’s brother in law.





Draft email for Kim to AGM Delegates outlining caucus meeting and hospitality at AGM.





Include Sheila on the email to the Atlantic AGM delegate regarding the Thursday evening caucus meeting.




Awards Sub Committee

Revise the Steward of the Year form so that more information is provided and also develop a check list for use by the committee when reviewing the nominations.




Awards Sub Committee

Look at the suggestions discussed and determine if the region should consider any. 

  • Explore the practice of carrying forward nominations not selected to the following year.
  • What should the practice be when a member of the Executive or the Awards Committee is nominated. Should they be eligible to receive an award? 
  • Another option would be to give citations to those nominated and not chosen.





Record the AGM resolutions with the Executive’s positions on the template and forward to Manny.






Facilitate Ice Breaker at December meeting.




Item 2:

ACTION:  Scott to prepare a final document on the guidelines for submissions of ARC

resolutions for Catherine.

ACTION:  Catherine to format the submission of ARC resolutions document for inclusion in the Delegate Allotment letter to Branch and Provincial Group Presidents.

Item 4:  Cathy reported that people were interested in music BINGO.  Discussion ensued on the viability of holding a BINGO. 

Item 10:  Discussion ensued on what and how much information is required for the Awards Sub Committee to select a candidate.  The committee will continue to work on the nomination documents.

4.  Calendar of Events

The calendar of events was reviewed and there are no new additions. 

ACTION:  Catherine change time of January 27th Regional Executive meeting to 9:00 am – 6:00 pm.

ACTION:  Catherine to look into possibility of moving the Atlantic Regional Training School to the following week 19-21.  Check with hotel and staff.

Dates and locations for Executive meetings in 2019 were determined as well as the location for the 2020 ARC.

ACTION:  Catherine make the following bookings:  Training and Executive Meetings - January 25-26, 2019, Delta Dartmouth; March 22-23, 2019, Delta Beausejour; September 13-14, 2019, Dundee, Keltic or Inverary Inn.  Steward Training – February 21-23, 2019, Delta Dartmouth; Regional Training School, April 11-13, 2019, Old Orchard Inn; September 26-28, 2019, Delta Prince Edward, Delta St. John’s or Sheraton St. John’s.

ACTION:  Catherine book the 2020 ARC in Fredericton.

ACTION: Catherine change the 2018 December Training and Executive meeting to Thursday, November 29, 2018 - Seasonal Social; Friday, November 30, 2018 - Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting at Delta Halifax with Catered Turkey Lunch at the Halifax Office 1st Floor Boardroom and Saturday, December 1, 2018 Training Committee meeting 8:30 am – 12:00 noon.

5.  Goals

Kim referred the Executive to a listing of the compiled goals from the September working group exercise.  The goals were grouped by themes and Kim indicated that in addition to the previous year’s goals of fundraising for local charities and support of the AYPC, we should decide on three or four additions goals for 2018.

After a full discussion and review the following goals were selected.

Goal#1 Profile a Branch each year at the ARC and follow up with an article on the Branch in the Atlantic Newsletter. 

It was suggested that a presentation, including photos, could be prepared and be narrated by a member of the Branch Executive.  For the first year we will go with one Branch, but profiling more than one in the future might be an option.  It was decided to go with the Fredericton Branch at the May 2018 ARC.

ACTION:  Catherine add profiling an Atlantic Branch at the ARC to the Branch and Provincial Groups President’s meeting in May for discussion.

ACTION:  BF January meeting to work on a questionnaire for Atlantic Branches to solicit information on the constituent body and any unique aspects (ie size, location, successful activities).

ACTION:  Executive think about the ARC agenda and where we might like to add the Atlantic Branch Profile.

The Executive discussed the merits of social media and how the region could make use of it.  It was noted there are a couple of PIPSC Facebook pages in Atlantic – PIPSC Atlantic Members is one that Manny and Kim Administer.

ACTION:  Kim add a reference to the PIPSC Atlantic Members facebook page to her “from the

Director” submission in the Atlantic Newsletter.

ACTION:  Catherine to send Kim’s Director’s report to the Branch and Provincial Group


ACTION:  Branch and Provincial Group Presidents add the Atlantic Facebook page to their

meeting agendas – PIPSC Atlantic Members.

Goal #2           Increase Lunch and Learns:  To achieve this it was noted we require more decks available for 30 minute presentations.  We need to get the word out to the constituent bodies possibly via the Newsletter and Facebook.

ACTION:  Catherine send Carolyn the Lunch and Learn report form.

Scott noted there is a backlog of Atlantic members who are deserving of having their body

of work recognized.

ACTION:  Executive think of members who are deserving of a Service Award and send their name to Kim.

ACTION:  Catherine to advise the Branch and Provincial Group Presidents of the option and process to use a calling card for people to call into meetings.

Goal #3: Enhance and promote our two current awards in Atlantic – Steward of The Year and Executive of the Year.

Kim suggested that we go to the Branch and Provincial Group Presidents requesting they submit

one nomination for Steward of the Year or Executive of the Year.

ACTION:  Executive think about guidelines around soliciting nominations for awards from the

Branch and Provincial Group Presidents.

It was suggested that perhaps the Awards Committee’s role is to advertise the awards, collect the

most complete applications/information and then pass it along to the a third party who will make

the final selection.

Cathy suggested the candidates’ names could be removed when passed along to the third

party so the reviewer makes the selection solely on the merits.

ACTION:  Catherine to BF Steward and Executive of the Year awards to January to work on

selection of reviewers and parameters for the process.

Several other items on which resulted from the September working group exercise were referred to the respective sub committees for followup:

Branch Liaison: 

  • Increase communications between the Regional Executive and Branch and Provincial Group Presidents.
  • Provide information and fact sheet for Branch and Provincial Group Presidents to share with members.
  • Review the number of Stewards in Atlantic workplaces and recruit Stewards where required.


  • Modes of media used for hot topics – ex. billboards.
  • Newsletter – include contact links or names to increase presence – ex.  What does your union do for you?


  • Train the Trainer session for Constituent Body Executive Course – possible session with representatives from each Atlantic Constituent Body.

6.  AGM Postmortem

a.  Thursday Caucus Meeting:  Kim reported that this years’ meeting was long and it was challenging to get through all of the resolutions.  Following discussion it was decided that if Delegates received a copy of the Atlantic’s position spread sheet in advance of the meeting it would cut down on the time.  Delegates could be asked to forward any questions or comments to the Resolutions Committee for clarification.  At the meeting the Resolutions Committee could highlight and spend the time on the resolutions the region would like to focus on.

It was also noted we need to be more proactive in notifying the Delegates of the Thursday caucus meeting.  It was brought up that PIPSC should not schedule the new delegate meeting or other events at times that conflict with Atlantic’s caucus meeting.

ACTION:  Catherine insert the Thursday caucus meeting notice in the AGM Delegate Allotment letter to the Presidents.

ACTION:  Catherine when Delegate forms are received from the Branch, respond to Delegate and advise of the Thursday caucus meeting.  Follow up with a reminder a few weeks before the meeting.

ACTION:  Kim speak with AGM coordinator and advise that if PIPSC is planning to hold a new delegate meeting or other Thursday evening events, Atlantic will require authorization to bring its delegates in earlier and we will reschedule the caucus meeting.

ACTION:  Catherine send the Atlantic Resolutions position paper, plus a link to the resolutions to the Atlantic delegates in advance and indicate they should contact the resolutions sub-committee if they have questions or require clarification.

Phil suggested new Atlantic AGM delegates should be acknowledged at the Thursday caucus meeting.

ACTION:  Resolutions Sub Committee note to acknowledge new Atlantic delegates at the Thursday caucus meeting.

b.  Youth Symposium:  Kim reported she was in attendance for 70% of the symposium and by all accounts it was well received.  She stated that Better Together did a great job pulling the event together considering the short planning time.  It was Atlantic’s AYPC that got the ball rolling for the symposium.

Leslie reported the symposium had a great agenda; two panels of mobilizers talking about lessons learned and how actual solutions were found to problems encountered.  Leslie felt it was a good use of Institute funds.

c.  Disposition of 2017 AGM Resolutions:

The resolutions from the 2017 AGM were reviewed and the following actions noted:

F-7:  Followup

B-27:  Bring to the ARC to consider re-submission (Action to Resolutions Sub Committee)

B-8:  BF for ARC 2019

B-10:  BF for 2018 ARC (Action to Resolutions Sub Committee)

ACTION:  Resolutions Sub Committee to look at a resolution to not have Full Time VP’s be required to relocate to Ottawa and bring wording to January Executive meeting for review.

ACTION:  Executive research if there is reference in the PIPSC By-Laws that Full Time VP’s must relocate to Ottawa.

B-22:  Special Meetings of the Board – Have a look at this in relation to By-Law 16 and report back to the January meeting with wording (Action to Resolutions Sub Committee).

F-7:  Keep following

B-17:  Look at wording and BF for January (Action to Resolutions Sub Committee).

B-2:  BF for Branch Presidents Meeting to advise they now get dues for retired members.

In regards to the Atlantic Hospitality Suite for 2018 AGM, Kim suggests shifts be assigned to a number of convenors.

7.  Atlantic Regional Director’s Report

Kim tabled her report contained in the meeting packages.  Discussion ensued on the status of negotiations with the Marriott properties.  Kim reported that PIPSC will enter into talks with Marriott to discuss the possibility of a corporate rate.

The Executive inquired about the Employee Wellness Plan and Kim reported the first meeting was held in September.  It is expected the consultation/negotiation of the plan will take approximately one year and will then be incorporated into the next round of bargaining.

The listing of Atlantic members requesting seats on National Committees was not out yet so the Executive will schedule a conference call to review the submissions.

ACTION:  Kim convene a conference call to review the list of Atlantic members requesting seats on National Committees.

8.  New Business

Motion #3       Marcel moved and Phil seconded that the meeting move into closed session.


Motion #4       Carolyn moved and Marcel seconded that the minutes be approved as presented. 


9.  Training Committee Chairpersons Report

Carolyn reported that the Training Committee had a productive meeting yesterday. 

The Friday afternoon training component for the ARC was discussed and the committee is looking at a session on Effective Meetings.  The session would include a short instructional presentation covering topics such as agenda, chairing, parliamentary procedure etc. followed by small group sessions where participants would conduct a mini meeting.  Someone suggested the title “What Happened to My Meeting?”

Steward Council evaluations were reviewed and overall the evaluations were positive.  The main complaint was Vice President Hindle`s address.

ACTION:  Catherine send the compiled evaluations to the Regional Executive.

The Friday evening Hospitality event immediately following the Awards Dinner was not well attended.  The committee suggests for 2018 we hold the Awards Dinner with MC and dinner music and then hold the Saturday evening Hospitality with a Halloween theme and a band.

The size of the Regional Training School class was discussed and it was agreed to drop it from 25 to 22 participants per class noting the policy says 20.  The courses selected were Human Rights and Diversity, Advanced Grievance, Consultation and Bullying and Harassment.  We will contract the Saunder`s Brothers for the Friday Buffet and Entertainment event and raise funds for a local charity.

ACTION:  Kim and Catherine prepare correspondence to invite Debi Daviau to the ARC and Steward Council.

Motion #5       Gerry moved and Phil seconded that if President Daviau is not available to attend ARC or Steward Council we won`t have anyone replace her.  FAILED

Jackie Holly suggested that a video message from the President with a representative designated for a question and answer period might be an alternative.

Motion #6       Carolyn moved and Michael seconded that the Training Committee report be accepted as presented. 


10.  Regional Executive Finances

Phil tabled the cash flow report for the Atlantic Regional Executive.  He noted there are a few expenses not yet received – AGM Observers and AGM sweaters for example.

Motion #7       Scott moved and Mike seconded the Atlantic Regional Executive purchase a portable projector up to a limit of $500.


Motion #8       Cathy moved and Gerry seconded the Atlantic Regional Executive purchase a lap top (Macbook Air) up to a limit of $2000 including all required software and accessories.


ACTION:  Phil remember to report the secretaries lap top as an asset.

ACTION:  Catherine to source and obtain a quote on 17oz Stainless, double walled water bottles with the Atlantic Logo.

ACTION:  Catherine to source and obtain quote on wire bound notebooks with the Atlantic Logo.

ACTION:  Marilyn send Catherine a picture of the felt lap top bags.

ACTION:  Carolyn to purchase raffle prizes for the Training School and ARC at $350 each.

Motion #9       Phil moved and Cathy seconded the Atlantic Regional Executive cash flow report be accepted as presented.


11.  National Committee Reports

The By-Laws and Training and Education Reports were tabled for review.

ACTION:  Catherine remove Elections report from the agenda.

ACTION:  Mike to send reminders to Atlantic Members on National Committees to submit their reports following their meetings for inclusion in the Regional Executive meeting packages.

Motion #10     Gerry moved and Michael seconded that the National Committee reports be accepted as presented.


ACTION:  Catherine to send the Executive reminders to wear their name bars to Executive events.

15.       Round Table/Adjournment

Motion #11 Phil moved and Scott seconded the meeting be adjourned.


NOTE:  Should you wish to view copies of reports presented at this meeting, please direct your request to