20 September 2017
250 Tremblay



  • Stan Buday
  • Karim Chaggani
  • Pierre Touchette
  • Dean Corda
  • Deb Butler
  • Robert Tellier
  • Stacy McLaren
  • Eva Henshaw




  • Rob Scott
  • Guy Abel
  • Denis Caissy
  • Gordon Bulmer
  • Lucille Shears

1. Call to Order:


2. Approval of Agenda – Moved by: Stacy/Seconded: Pierre

3. Approval of Minutes - 

  • June minutes  - Carried
  • July 17 teleconference  - Carried


Action Items
See Google drive document
● Robert and Pierre have the two sets of cameras   It has to be made clear that both sets are property of the CS Group.
● Next time we have a big project, new microphones should be purchased.
● Stacy to talk to Laureen Allen for photographer for CS executive pictures
● Promo items discussion

New Business

Discussion about Direct deposit for expenses occurred being paid by direct deposit rather than by cheque.  
Issue with doing with direct deposit is that there was a deposit made that didn’t come out until the next fiscal year.
Question we want to know if the direct deposit is possible for the group
This is a service that is provided by Finance but it must come from the treasurer.

Having an early Dec. meeting
Concern raised that it is too close to the meeting before the AGM.
Still have an MOA for SSC to discussion for consultation so could have a dec meeting.
Or could have plan for a practice run for the MOA contracting out.
Motion to table discussion until Friday

Memo from Finance about hotels.  
Stan has talked to various presidents / consultation presidents.  A petition will be created to petition PIPSC to change the policy again to allow for booking with the Marriott/Delta.  The petition needs to be factual so we need to see the agreement with Delta and what was discussed with the Marriott.
Question is there anything in the policy that would prevent bookings at the Delta ?
We are volunteers and the feeling is that BCD shouldn’t dictate to us about travel.
Letter that Stan is sending, a suggestion of a time frame to resolve this issue.
Volunteers are upset because there was no consultation with members about this.
Stan to create letter to be sent to executive and other presidents for vetting then sent to D. Britt and E. Gillis

New IT Logo
New logo was presented for the IT/TI classification.
Was created with Communications (Bruno Seguin)
Discussion of did we want to have a contest that was discussed of being announcing for members to submit design?
Decision needs to be made if we are going to go with new IT or remain with CS logo.
More time might be needed to think about it / broaden discussion

New Communication Tool for Executive
A new communication tool / app was introduced for using to make it better to communicate and collaborate.  It allows for fostering collaborative work.  

Project management tool
Something that Communications officer has on the radar for use with the executive.  Application is Trello

President achievement award
For information-someone was nominated for the President’s award.

Revue Liberte/Hill Times
Hill Times subscription has lapsed.  Question is do we renew.
Revue Liberte was suggested as well as Our Times magazine.
Classification/reclassification to IT - Update
There wasn’t too much but there was an inquiry from DND.
Stan and Karim in discussions with Karen Ladurantaye for the IT classification.  Will take some time for implementation. 
Bargaining certificate will need to be sent to the board.
Has the TBS person been approached about generics for IT

Dean to ask at WGC for Consultation presidents should go back to their departments to ask where they are with this.

Contracting out plan/process
Update:  Beginning of sept, short informal meeting about plans to combat contracting out.  A process was developed which leads towards getting support from PIPSC.
Process:  flow provided and summary of the flow given.
Request for interest for stewards to put their names to grievance should departments not follow up on complying with the CA.

CS Website renewal
Our address and domain name expires in October.  Do we want to renew it?   Decision taken to renew and do some updates on it.  Idea of also having an app for smart phones.

50th Anniversary committee
Going to have a meeting for Thursday 21 Sept meeting.
There were some question on dates of when the 50th anniversary date.
Launch the 50th anniversary and announcing at AGM the year long celebration.

Toronto Grand Hotel to be the location for the 2018 AGM.  D. Daviau has given the permission to have the AGM in Toronto and numbers were sent to finance and we haven’t heard back from finance.  We need finance to come back to us asap. 
January – delegate call out for the CS AGM.  Soon to have document for executive to vet.
Discussion for having the SG President’s meeting joined to the AGM.  There is interest in having that happen.  Hotel doesn’t have the availability to go with this however, a recheck will occur.

AGM – Promotional items and notice to delegates to go out.
Logistically, Stacy to continue with background work with Julie
Suggestion for meeting before AGM 

Moved by Guy Abel / Seconded by Deb Butler that November executive meeting be extended to a second day so that resolutions discussion can be a full day and the executive business be taken care of on the second day.

Suggestion of resolutions happen on the Wednesday.

Stacy to speak to Julie Gagnon about adding the extra night for the CS Executive.

CS Rands
To be in portfolio

Promo Items
Nothing received by Pierre for Promo items.
Calendars, chair backs, scarf, toque and other items suggested in the meeting

Order for CS AGM promo shirt – suggest that we go with polo shirts 

Portfolio Reports

President –Stan
Report provided of all activities the president participated in.

Vice President -Pierre    
Pierre had an AGM last week.
Also attended the AC and there was a presentation that he would like to prepare discussion points / presentation for bargaining.  

Treasurer - Deb
No report, will file on Google drive and send link to executive.

Bargaining Officer- Robert Tellier
Post mortem – Robert is back and looking forward to picking up his duties.
ESWP – another meeting of the technical meeting and the advisory team meeting will be held after the next technical meeting.  
Items such as coverage and eligibility was discussed and seems to be going on an interest based discussion.  Working out well.

Noc Roc Officer -Gordon
No report

Communications Officer - Denis
See report on google drive.
New PIPSC site 
What would be useful to send feedback to PIPSC.
PIPSC is trying to keep the website simple. A question of the availability of customizing for yourself.
Functionality is not there with the website.

Sub Group Officer-Rob Scott
See report on Google drive to summarize
Communication with a steward in Kelowna to create a subgroup.
Reach out to SG presidents about tying SG president meeting with the CS AGM – some interest expressed.
Subgroups in NCR, discussion needs to be done due to flux of employees within the region.
Some subgroups having issues.

Steward Officer-Guy
Report provided 

Membership Officer -Lucille
report provided

Labour relations Officer -Dean
Report provided

Classification Officer -Karim
report provided

Contracting out Officer - Eva
Report provided

Other Business

Round table
Discussion about Training and that we should be provided pointed training.
One suggest is that regions be engaged to provide training at Steward Councils – to add to the Vice President portfolio

Election Committee needs to be struck.  
Nominate Guy Abel to be election chair 
Stan and Dean to be on committtee

Article 18.07 question –who meets at the committee listed in the Article. 
Stan and Luc have met with representatives before and this should be reactivated under the Vice President portfolio. 

Steward Councils – Infosession for our members at regional steward councils.  Do we have a canned presentation so that we can be consistant
Stan to provide on Google drive with the notes for the discussion.

Idea to have a rally around the first MOA meeting with the departments.
There is a requirement of a lead up time to do a rally.
We need to have smart ideas if /when we rally.

Subgroup presidents meeting attached to the CS AGM.
Usually held in March and used as a platform to meet with our activists before our AGM. 

Positive is that we would be able to meet with our SG Presidents for a day and a half.
Negative is that we would have to go through the approval process again.

Discussion for and against brought up the following comments:
Bargaining is coming up do we want to have the SG presidents participate in the prep planning.
Creates a long week for executive
Branch presidents are ambivalent about having the SG meeting with the AGM.
Meeting with the SG Presidents to get things rolling earlier.

Motion:  To hold the SG President’s meeting in conjunction with the CS AGM. 
Moved by Stan second by Deb.   Motion defeated.

The Contracting out MOA is due Dec 2017, and at the first meeting of the MOA committee, the CS Group Executive agree to ask for an extension/flexibility for the MOA development Moved by Robert/Second by Rob Carried

Next meeting – Wednesday and Thursday Nov before the AGM
Adjournment –