AFS AGM 2017 Minutes




JUNE 10, 2017 - 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.


  1.  Call to Order

Doug Mason, President of the AFS Group, opened the meeting by welcoming all the observers and delegates.  Chris Roach will be the AGM parliamentarian.

Rules of Procedure

  • A review of the rules of procedure was done.
  • It was indicated that only AFS members can speak to the resolutions.

Motion 1:  Chris Roach moved and Dan Jones seconded that the Rules of Procedure be approved.  Carried.

  1. Approval of the Agenda

Motion 2:  Micheal Hartry and Frank Wong seconded that the agenda by approved as presented.  Carried.

  1. Moment of Silence

To recognize our members that have passed away.

  1. AFS President's Annual Report

Doug Mason provided his president's report to the delegates.  Doug welcomed everyone to the AGM.  Delegates were encouraged to engage in vigorous debate while respecting their colleagues.

Successful candidates from 2017 AFS national elections were announced:

  • CS Regional Representative: Manny Costain
  • Quebec Regional Representative:  Steve Parent
  • Headquarters Regional Representative:  Brian Hassall
  • Toronto Regional Representative:  Alnashir Ravjiani
  • Prairie Regional Representative:  Robert Trudeau

Ian Tait who is retiring and did not reoffer for the AFS National Executive.  He worked tirelessly for the AFS Executive and his efforts to resolve Phoenix issues for the members was above and beyond what was expected.

Ian addressed the delegates and reminisced about his time at the CRA and with the AFS Group.

Doug provided an update on this current round bargaining and explained the bargaining process, the AFS Group’s strategy and the proposed Employee Wellness Support Plan (EWSP).

Doug discussed concerns about AFS workload and steps that have been taken since our last AFS AGM to address them.  Part of the problem is that workload development has been removed from smaller offices and good workload is not being identified for smaller offices.  There are also concerns that AFS workload is being done by others so PIPSC is considering a labour complaint or desk audit.  Enterprise Fraud Management is a new online system to immediately identify suspicious activity and it may violate your privacy rights.

Performance Management is a growing concern as level 1s and 2s are becoming normal along with the associated consequences.

Discipline investigation time frames have improved due to our pressure. 

Baseline testing for asbestos has been done across Canada with positive results but concerns remain when renovations are done as the Employer doesn’t really know where asbestos is in a building. 

For violence in the workplace, we are still finalizing procedures as the Employer won’t agree to representatives in spite of government wide guidance supporting our position. 

Non-Advertised Staffing is a huge concern as it should be used in only very restricted cases, such as very short terms actings, where an employee has truly unique qualifications and for student bridging.  The Employer’s proposed guidance now makes it a valid staffing procedure whenever you can justify it. 

External Staffing has increased so the Employer can avoid recourse and promoting internally.  For CO educational requirements, the Employer did not agree to grad-parenting CO-01s for promotions. 

We are dealing with unending problems with the Phoenix pay system. 

The Employer has agreed that employees do not need to sign the post-employment letter but there are still some cases of employees being bullied into signing. 

There have been Workplace 2.0 implementation problems with medical accommodations; noise cancellation not done properly; and 1:1 desk ratio not being respected. 

We have arranged consultations to challenge the Employer imposing arbitrary restrictions on compressed work schedules. 

We are disappointed that the Employer broke their promise to allow Appeals employees to virtually report and instead enacted an unnecessary WFA exercise. 

CRA has been using the Gartner Report and right sizing initiative to block hiring of CS-01 terms who would be our members and is instead using students to backfill for CSs. 

Severance should be paid out from the beginning of acting for employees appointed to the AFS Group, but some still not paid. 

Web posting will be up soon to explain settlement of personal leave grievances arising out of the implementation of our 2012 AFS Collective Agreement. 

We are waiting for a PSLREB hearing date for the OSTAR severance grievances.

Motion 3:  Doug Mason moved and Shawn Gillis seconded that the AFS President’s Report be accepted as presented.


  1. PIPSC President Video

A video from PIPSC President Debi Daviau was played for the delegates.

  1. Approval of the 2016 AFS AGM Minutes

Motion 4:  Chris Coghlin moved and Linda Joly seconded that the 2016 AFS AGM minutes be approved as presented. 


  1. Business Arising from the Minutes

   Audit workload addressed.  Bylaw revisions approved by PIPSC.  Resolutions were brought to PIPSC AGM.

  1. Auditors Report

Gilbert Bégin is the person who reviewed the 2016 Financial Statements. His report is included in the Financial Statements presented.

  1. AFS Financial Statements and Budget – Shawn Gillis

AFS Executive Meetings précis can be found on the AFS Group Website.

Motion 5:  Shawn Gillis moved and Alnashir Ravjiani seconded to accept the 2016 AFS Income Statement.  Carried.

Motion 6:  Shawn Gillis moved and seconded by Allaudin Alibhai to accept the 2016 Balance Sheet Carried.

Motion 7:  Shawn Gillis moved and Robert Trudeau seconded to accept the 2018 Budget as presented.  Carried.

Shawn Gillis reminded AFS Subgroups to approve their prior year financials and upcoming year budget at their current year AGMs.  This means that in 2016, subgroups should approve their 2015 financials and their 2017 budget.

10 Resolutions

Motion 8:  Manny Costain moved and Steve Parent seconded bylaw amendment 1. Carried.

Be it resolved that the AFS bylaws be updated to the following:

R6. Transition Term

The current term for the Quebec IT Region President will be four (4) years.  All IT Region President terms will expire in 2019 with elections taking place in that year.

Motion 9:  Manny Costain moved and Robert Trudeau seconded bylaw amendment 2. Carried.

Be it resolved that the AFS bylaws be updated to the following:

16.1 The composition of the Group Executive as defined in by-law 6.2 can only be changed after:

  • a majority vote at the Group Annual General Meeting, and
  • only for the CS executive position, a majority vote of the entire membership.

Motion 10:  Mark Muench moved and Chris Coghlin seconded bylaw amendment 3.  Carried.

Be it resolved that the consultation regulations be updated to the following:

6.2.1 Any member of the AFS National Executive shall not be a member of an AFS Sub-Group Executive.

7.4.2 A member of an AFS Sub-Group Executive is eligible for election as a member of the AFS Executive however, upon election, must immediately resign their AFS Sub-Group Executive position in accordance with By-Law 6.2.1.

Motion 11:  Patrick Sioui moved an amendment to bylaw amendment number 3.  Ruled out of order.

Motion 12:  Patrick Sioui moved and Steve Parent seconded to challenge the chair.  Vote Tied.  The Chair voted to Defeat the Motion

Motion 13:  Motion to have a roll call vote on Motion 12. Carried.

Roll call vote carried 36-30 to sustain the chair. Motion 11 ruled out of order.

Meghan Urwin moved and Tom Yantsis seconded resolution 1.  Carried as amended

Therefore be it resolved that Sub Groups that have 20 or more CS members may invite one (1) of either the CS National Consultation Representative or the CS Regional Representative along with the AFS Regional Representative to attend the subgroup AGM.

Motion 14:  Meghan Urwin moved and Alnashir Ravjiani moved an amendment to resolution 1.  Carried.

Therefore be it resolved that Sub Groups in the three (3) physical National Information Technology Service Division (NITSD) locations (Shawinigan, Mississauga and Surrey) may invite one (1) of either the CS National Consultation Representative or the CS Regional Representative along with the AFS Regional Representative to attend the subgroup AGM.

Motion 15:  Nivin Fouad moved and Chris Coghlin seconded late resolution 1.  Defeated.

Be it resolved that the AFS executive bring the following resolution to the PIPSC AGM :

Be it resolved that the Institute ensure bargaining updates be posted on the Institute website on a timely basis and;

Be it further resolved that bargaining updates of up to 250 words be posted on the Institute website within 1 day of submission by a bargaining group

Executive and Committee Reports

Executive Reports

Atlantic Regional Representative Chris Roach

Québec Régional Représentative Steve Parent

Ontario Regional Representative Doug Mason

Headquarters Regional Representative Ian Tait

ITB/ITS Regional Representative Allaudin Alibhai

Toronto Regional Representative Alnashir Ravjiani

Prairie/NWT Regional Representative Robert Trudeau

BC/Yukon Regional Representative Phil Choo

CS Regional Representative Manny Costain

CS National Consultation Representative Mark Muench

Committee Reports

Conflict Resolution Allaudin Alibhai

Elections Chris Roach

Employee Assistance Program Allaudin Alibhai

Employment Equity & Diversity Alnashir Ravjiani

Health & Safety Doug Mason

Membership Phil Choo

Official Languages Steve Parent

Union Management Approach Chris Roach

Performance Management Shawn Gillis

Public Service Employee Survey Alnashir Ravjiani

Essential Services Chris Roach

Stewards Phil Choo

Strategic Bargaining Support Robert Trudeau

Alnashir Ravjiani provided a verbal update on his Public Service Employee Survey and Public Service Annual Employee Survey and entertained discussion and questions on each report.

Motion 16:  Tom McBrayne moved and Sheldon Burton seconded to accept the Executive reports as presented.  Carried.

Motion 17:  Steve Parent and Sheldon Burton moved Chris Roach’s verbal Elections report.  Carried.

Motion 18:  Michael Hartry and Dan Jones moved Chris Roach’s verbal Union Management Approach report.  Carried.

Motion 19:  Robert Trudeau moved and Mark Muench seconded to accept the written Committee Reports as presented. Carried.

14.  Other Business

Natalie Belanger and Allaudin Alibhai were thanked for the preparation efforts for the AFS AGM.

15.  Adjournment

Motion 20 :  Larry Stroud moved the motion to adjourn.  Carried.