Atlantic Regional Council Video about Phoenix

In May 2018, I spoke at the Atlantic Regional Council about ongoing issues surrounding the Phoenix pay system. If there’s one thing that brings home better than any other the impact of Phoenix it’s the stories our members have to tell.

Here is a short video we made following the event that, I think, makes that point well. I encourage you to share your own stories at

Better Together!
Debi Daviau

10 June 2016
Dear Members,

10 June 2016
On behalf of our members, the Institute continues to express our very serious concerns with the new Phoenix pay system.

2 May 2016
Fellow Members,

19 April 2016
I share many of our members’ concerns at the planned transition of over 60 remaining federal organizations to the Phoenix system later this April. I have therefore written to Judy Foote, Minister of Public Services and Procurement urging her to postpone this transition until these issues have been resolved.