Policy on Purchase of Promotional and Visibility Items

Effective Date

June 16, 2017

Promotional Items

This policy must be read in conjunction with the Institute Policy on Constituent Body Finances and is subject to the Institute visual identity guide :


  • Promotional Items: The use of the constituent body logo should be under the authority of the constituent body or PIPSC. Paid for by the constituent body from its annual allowance.
  • Gifts: Items as determined by constituent bodies, intended for distribution to members or others as a form of recognition for service or as a prize for participation. Paid for by the constituent body from its annual allowance.
  • Banners: Signage displayed at Institute events. Paid for by the constituent body from its annual allowance.
  • Rally/Parade: Promotional materials displayed at a public demonstration of support for an Institute supported event or cause. Paid for by the Institute, at the discretion of the President, Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
  • Campaigns and Initiatives: Promotional materials distributed to constituent bodies as part of a campaign or initiative. Paid for by the Institute, at the discretion of the President, Executive Committee or Board of Directors.


The Institute may maintain a partnership with a national supplier that will provide quality promotional items, in a timely manner at a competitive price point for all constituent bodies based on the list of eligible promotional items.

Constituent bodies may purchase promotional material from providers of their choice. Promotional items are permitted provided each piece exhibits a PIPSC logo and/or the PIPSC website URL – www.pipsc.ca – subject to Attachment B of the Policy on Constituent Body Finances.

Preference must be given to promotional items that will remain visible in the work place post the original distribution event.

PIPSC and its constituent bodies shall expend reasonable efforts and resources to ensure that said items are, in order of importance:

  • union made in Canada
  • made in Canada
  • union made
  • certified fair trade products